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Friday, January 24, 2025

Not much from a team that lacks desire and discpline

Looking forward to the future of business

There was this project that bonked out because of difficulties with personality.  It looked like a promising and profitable venture.  Good location, ripe market. 

I passed this to a team of:   contractor, marketing, former used car sales person and son in BPO.   The initial stint for  funder, a promise of 7 numbers did not materialize.  The investor candidate backed out after pretending its OK.  The experience lasted 5 months.  And now the project is floundering because of lack fo PHP

However, all we need is small money adn employment of Richard Branson No. 4 rule and others too  
CASH Seek prepayments and deposit.

I met the head and requested for study of market whether asking for dp is feasible. The discussion was last Saturday.   The supposed other parties did not arrive.  And now I was asking for marketing plan, the pricing, the product, the promo etc.   They saidi there was all ready.

I have to push harder;  I think none has been produced.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

More ppt for sales strategies and process

Looking forward to the future of business

This post is going back to self improvement mode, new business.  So far this post, looling only at YT has made 20 ppt outline covering sales, getting rich, self improvement.  Next step is doing the ppt or video format.     Then it can be transformed into:

      1.  Podcast of say P1k - P2k

      2.  Seminars of P5 to 7k pax

      3.  Event or coachng of P30K per day.  

A more effective, more satisfying meeting with leaders and managers

Looking forward to the future of business

This post has completed three meetings with project management people last week:   two with the contractor, two with the project officer.  (the other one today)   For the office:   admin, marketing and hr group, three attempts were made with them.   Thisi one today was completed and maybe will produce results

With the project management new projects

1.  Discussed the painful traction procedure of the polio afflicted with polio. Polio made his other leg shorter by two inches.  An offer was made to equalize leg length through stretch the bones using painful surgical procedures.  This is a lesson in personal improvement and change.

2.  Having the solar lamps which are now cheaper in the Western Part of the Province by P10,000 per unit.  (The others cost P25,000, the one we just saw here at Region 1 is P15,000, 180 watts, 6 meters.

3.  We synch with the marketing.  

4.  We need to the landscaping and irrigation system.

5.  We firm up numbers offer for another mp in a prime city.

6.  Employ sir Richard Branson style of getting funds for the business from DP, advanced payment from customer.  Not from equity or debt

With admin group

1.  Told them story of the short leg guro which must equialize the longer feet

2.  Solve problems;   the bigger the problem, the bigger the lesson, the bigger the learning

3.  HR

    1.  Increase entry level salary same for all nation wide:    P16 -  17k  /This is funded by higher price

    2.  ORC for qualified heads

    3.  Meeting regular group meetings for cluster.  Have events.   Give awards

    4.  Remove deadwood.  Upgrade the salaries of existing if they improve especially on communication


   1.  Stop marketing at sbus with low inventory;   sell the remaining inventories to perpetual care.
        That is roughly  only twenty five per cent of TPP,   cash out.  The 48% to be contract;   24% to sbu
         The PCF sells at need only.  No need for marketing anymore.  We focus on continuity products

  2.  Continuity products

       1.  PIS

       2.  Heritage legacy bundle:   death and birdate remembrance.

           P1k for birthday (with tribute)

           P1k for death

              With mass card, flowers,  notification and fb post

       3.  Hire someone for this.j  We may reach business equivalent to the interment

   3.  Get marketing

       1.  Post at FB and Google ads

       2.  Be clear on who we are, what are our products, and what we offer

  4.  Automatic upgrade of salaries depending on output

  5.  Spend on promo at every stage of srales funnel:   for leads, for agreeing to have presentation/tripping, and for closing

  6.  Straighten the payment system.  Ease of doing business.

  7. Sales training.  Pppt made by this post for sales.   

Monday, January 20, 2025

Inspiration to build this type of project, to remind us of what has been, of what has been burned down

Looking forward to the future of business

Certainly LA, Palisades will never be the same.  The beauty we observed here, built over several decades. cant be restored.  The beauty, the serenity wont come back.   If there is LA to be rebuilt, LA 2.0 as told by Gov Newsome, this beauty will not be there.

It is nice ot know that in the Philippines, in scenses similar to this, such housing can be built:  1000 lots, 400 - 500 sm houses 4-5 br, 4 cr, and pershaps a swimming pool can be had for P10 - P15 m. 

This post has in mind several places where this can be built.   

Let us see.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Motivating the team on stalled project

Looking forward to the future of business

This post has requested for a meeting again of the team members involved in a real estate project that has been stalled since January.   

It has been difficult to get the team members togehter.   One did not reply when I requested,   The meeting was resked for 11 am, However the second one did not reply.  went to the designated meeting place.  Only one was there.  I decided to go on with the meeting with the lone attendee.

I tried to motivate  with three stories:

I recollected that the project was turndd down by my own company.   This post begged off from the property owner and two members of the team decided they will continue and they will get investors
One an incumber councilor promised  about P5M, then chickened out on the timeline she promised.   Its now January and nothing is moving.   The land owner is asking  the status;   I am being asked what to answer and we know the answer:   there is no investor yet

Two stories:
1.  Richard Branson story and tips of how to put up a million dollar company.  He has five rules

      1.  Find the problem/s
      2.  Create the product /solution
      3.  Have a team
      4.  Get the cash from the customer, have the float
      5.  Take the risk

We have the 4 except No 4.   So what can be done:

     1.  Complete teh bp, marketing plan
     2.  Draft SDP, make price list, do a survey on what will sell not sell
     3. Start organizing sales force
     4.  Get approval
     5.  Pre sell

     Say 3,000 lots.     Price at P70,000.   Price at 35,000 pre sell.  P33,000 cash,  P35,000 P17,500 dp, balance payable in  2 years.   without interest

    That will generate about P100,000,000 total sales about P50,000,000 dp, enough to cover developmetn cost and funds for the owner

2.  Second story

    About BCDA and Heritage.  Story by the chairman

    He was appointed by FVR to be head of BCDA and instructed to make some money  And he asked for budget.  There is none.   FVR told him to be resourceful and produce the money.

   This is what the chairman did.  Of the 300 hectares he asked for bids for the 200+ hectares. And he was able to sell this to the MVP group and got P33,000 offer per sqm.   That would amount to baout P70 B.   And for the remaining for the memorial park.  It was securitized by former head of HDMF, and of the P40,000 initial offering, had two banks buy them at only P20,000 for a 100% ROI.   He raided P2 billion from that and was able to have enough money for development

Brilliant eh.

I asked a plan on how to do this.    


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Trying to pep the marketing of businesses being bequeathed, are the successors learning?

Looking forward to the future of business

It does not seem that successors have learned much in running the business.  Communication, execution and maintaining standard sticking to vision, mission and principles is not good. Even holding a meeting.

These are the things I am doing

1.  Making new presentation on sales training.  I think I did 12 last week.   

2.  Innovating on new deals (using John Mullins and Sir Richard Branson tip on taking cash.

3.  Incentivizing project officer so that they take the initiative.

Simon Squibb interviewed Richard Branson on how to start a business

Looking forward to the future of business

Simon Squibb is a marketing guru and he interviewed Sir Richard Branson on how to make millions and or how to start a business

He has 5:

1.  Find the problems
2.  Find the solution
3.  Build the team and brand
4.  Ask for cash
5.  Take risk

Two are in Ted Talk by  John Mullins:     find the problem (not the product) and 4 ask for cash.   

I found two difficulties lately and #4 could be the solution

1.   One involved land acquistiion of nearly P200m.  We dont have that and it is very likely that we should say no and shelve the proposal.  But we could think of preselling, offer some of the inventories at 50% dp and or cash, heavily discounted..   We avoid thinking of bank loans and more equity.

2.  We can apply the same to a project where we could not find investors.    Make the plans, complete the marketing plan, and implement marketing.   

This was the way we strategize early on when we did not have money.  When you have some money, your perspective changes.  Scarcity, necessity is the mother of invention and innovation

Sir Richard, a knight at UK, has fallen into hard times.  Because of his age, and waning energy and becoming irrelevant (left out in innovation)

Entrepreneurship is getting out of the box, counter intuitive

Looking forward to the future of business

This video is like going back to my days of teaching this subject:  It runs counter to what is taught in regular MBA.   It is very much different from big, corporate business:

1.  Narrow vs big market;
2.  Cash flow   OPM Ask for cash/dp
3.  Yes we can (focus vs being serial entrep;reneur)
4.  Problem first
5.  Beg or borrow.  

Larry Farrel say its little money and little learning