Focus on the things that count. That is what narrow path is all about. Focus and concentration of your efforts that are of real value
From: Thriving Business <>
Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 1:30 AM
Subject: The Narrow Path
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Issue # 212 - July 30, 2013 When it comes to everyday business decisions, it is easy to get sucked into trying to do several things at once as opposed to just doing a few projects until they are completed before moving on to the next project. Even I am guilty of trying to do too much at once. It is an easy trap to fall into because you think that many simultaneous projects will result in more money when in actuality, you are only doing each of them at a fraction of what you're capable of. As a result, you miss out on the revenue you could've made by spending all of your valuable working on a few things to the best of your ability. In today's Main Essay, multi-millionaire entrepreneur and business strategist Dan Kennedy will share his thoughts on this issue that continually pops up in businesses across the world. In the Check It Out section, you will find out about 3 fatal mistakes that can cause your business to crash and burn faster than a controlled demolition. Click here for more details. We hope you enjoy this issue of the Thriving Business Newsletter. Cheers, Denise Gosnell Publisher Inc.
The Narrow Path
By Dan Kennedy severe crisis, when all the royals are equally threatened. Business works – when it works – because of an opposite operating system. Small business works better than big business, because its leaders have little fear of being deposed; they are the owners, a status actually higher than royals (which is why royals despise business owners), so they can act without political considerations. For that reason, they are often proactive instead of only reactive. Because they deal in real rather than fictitious numbers, have a limit on debt they can get their hands on, and eat profit, they often make intelligent and rational decisions. Many work at defusing problems at their tiniest, in their infancy, rather than postponing doing so as long as possible, until the monster has grown big enough to eat them. If you stand back and observe all this, you can see what works and what doesn't work quite clearly, and make your personal behavioral and business practices choices accordingly. If you will. Felix Dennis is a Renegade Millionaire – actually worth about $500-million, which he manufactured for himself, entirely on his own, from scratch. He is one of Britain's richest citizens. In his newest book, The Narrow Road, he tells more blunt truth about what works in the making of money, more succinctly than any other credible person I've ever read on the subject. I am more simpatico with his conclusions than I am with anyone else's. Like me but more so, Dennis is offensive to many and frightening to many more. Truth is rarely pleasing or reassuring, except to the very tiny number of people who prefer it to being pleased or reassured. I suggest getting and reading this little book, but in a well-lit room, not in gloom inhabited by scary shadows. Unlike most authors of most success genre content, he makes no attempt to deliver ideas that will be popular with a large audience. This mirrors my own approach as an author, spanning, now 32 years and more than 20 published books. (, My scariest is No B.S. Ruthless Management of People and Profits. One very big difference between the path most are on versus The Renegade Millionaire Way is mixed agendas vs. laser-focused dedication to what works. The Renegade Millionaire Way is simple: find what works and use it. (That's what being part of a great mastermind group is all about. Why coaching is important.) Others way is far more complicated. It is cluttered with: what will people think of me? am I permitted to do this? but we've never done it this way. we should get more consensus. my peers are all rushing off to do the new thing and I don't want to be left behind. will this make me popular? liked? or gossiped about? what if it sparks criticism about me on Google? Ordinary business owners are trying to run fast through a dense forest of all these concerns, thus bumping into trees at every turn, spending a lot of time lost and confused. Renegade Millionaires have left that forest and are running on a clear, paved path. DAN S. KENNEDY is a serial, multi-millionaire entrepreneur; highly paid and sought after marketing and business strategist; advisor to countless first-generation, from-scratch multi-millionaire and 7-figure income entrepreneurs and professionals; and, in his personal practice, one of the very highest paid direct-response copywriters in America. As a speaker, he has delivered over 2,000 compensated presentations, appearing repeatedly on programs with the likes of Donald Trump, Gene Simmons (KISS), Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies), and many other celebrity entrepreneurs, for former U.S. Presidents and other world leaders, and other leading business speakers like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Tom Hopkins, often addressing audiences of 1,000 to 10,000 and up. His popular books have been favorably recognized by Forbes, Business Week, Inc. and Entrepreneur Magazine. His NO B.S. MARKETING LETTER, one of the business newsletters published for Members of Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle, is the largest paid subscription newsletter in its genre in the world.
Check It Out!
As experts in start-up businesses, Jynell and I have seen 3 fatal mistakes repeated time and time again that end up causing the majority of businesses to fail…
These mistakes will cost you money…usually a lot of money… These mistakes will cost you valuable, irreplaceable time… And these mistakes are completely avoidable if you just have the right blueprint to follow… So what are those 3 fatal mistakes that can cause your business to crash and burn faster than a controlled demolition? Click here to learn the answer.
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Jorge U. Saguinsin
To "be the best, do your best, expect the best" always
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