From HBR blogs, October 16, 2013
Start ups across America from Tech Cocktail
There are two pictures of business in America, according to Steve Case, founder of AOL, now turned Venture Capitalists (VC) - the entrepreneurial Silicon Valley that dwarfs the rest of America in innnovation and entrpreneurship; and the rest of America which is risk averse.
Americas growth has been founded on entrepreneurship for the last 250 years; its currency despite huge debts and deficit continue to be the darling of the rest of the world because it is perceived still as the bastion of entrepreneurship. But with increasing regulation, huge wages, the Obama care, there is a doubt as to what is going to happen to innovation and entrepreneurship in USA.
Big business is OK but it does not create more jobs. Start ups which scale up create job.
In relation to capital entrepreneurship, VCs play a big role in developing across industries in USA. It used to invest in techie companies; energy, IT, software apps, but Case advocates that VC can play a big role. He also talks about immigration laws. The best from the rest of world come to the USA to enroll in high tech universities like MIT, Stanford, and now, the US govt is kicking them out
At this point it is important to know how to interact with the govt with the center of gravity being at the govt right now with regards to entrepreneurship
Steve Case Quotes
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