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Monday, September 23, 2024

Ease of doing business in the Philippines recently no 94 from 124 (out of 190 countries)

Looking forward to the future of business

There has been marked improvement for the Philippines in area, jumping 29 notches.   That makes Phiippines in the middle becasue there are 190 countries being measured.

That means we cna still improve.

As someone dealing with governement agencies the laws that has been passed were of little help in easing transactions with govt agencies.    It is still byzanthine, because when you get legislative permits, politics come into play, and oftentimes you are advisied "there are expenses"

And with just 3 years tenure, and the length of time it takes to get approval, you incur expenses from one batch to the other.

What about  in other branches of govt?   In my survey of landed gentry (those who own large tracts of land) from whence you purchase raw lands, most of them are owned by fathers who are in branch of govt that decide on land cases.   The lands are compensation to get favorable approval.

Who will protect the citizens from this agencies who do shakedowns?   The penalty is unease in doing business.  When will changes be coming?   When can govt officials, be just compassionate and conscientious?  

We are sure that agencies who prosecute govt crooks are also involved in these sheenigans.   In a country where people profess that everythign can be bought......

We all know we are Christian countries, well educated, who are well versed in ethics because of early catehicsm, quite a number of Christian churches teaching justice and charity.   And yet we know pastor politicians who are.....  And pastors who muddle in politics who are also.....

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