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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Why pursuing the company vision is the great and profitable way to go

What:  ABE on the importance of the company vision statement


1.  To have shared vision among the employees, staff and officers; and to increase the number of believers and BIDDA

2.  To ensure the future growth and profitability of the group

3.  To make sure that every body understands the priority, the right thing to do so that wrong moves are avoided.


1.  Many projects:  crematorium are in limbo, recruitment at Chapel Memorial Services do not happen, the Interment Services are neglected, (the funds are not processed at once, and inefficiency on this portion of the business remain.  Repairs of the equipment for the memorial services are unattended to 

2. Not to be outdone in this pursuit are two leading memorial parks aggressively investing huge sums for memorial park jv and /or purchase;  on the other hand SPLP are making it great.

3.  The future of memorialization as foreseen by this post is in the services:   cremation, memorial services (funeral and interment) Thus these three components are in its vision for the next five years:   cremation, chapel services, and columbarium

4.  Many just  pay lip service to the vision statement

     Why funeral services: