Social Icons

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Promoting clarity, memo to solve organizational wrinkles

Looking forward to the future of business

This memo was sent to a group being organized for a business opportunity.  But power play and selfishness is pulling back/down the group.   We wet with them, and documented the proceedings:

The following are the observations and my minutes of the recently concluded "mahalagang" meeting which was must be communicated in writing to the concerned party to stop further misunderstanding and negative vibes in the venture:   :

1.  Conduct of meeting:

    When there is a meeting, parties must observe the Rogers rules of order.  Isa isa usapan, no interruption of somebody who has the floor until finished and recognized.

    Proper privilege motion must be recognized when leaving the meeting which is disrespectful.  

    All agenda in meetings shall concern improvement and betterment of the business. AND SHALL NOT BE NEGATIVE NOR SHALL THRASH EXAGGERATE ISSUES THAT ARE MINOR

    The tenet of Rotary applies:

    1.  Is it the truth?
    2.  Is it good for everyone concerned.

    It was evident that some discussions violated these

   Ano ang "mahalaga"?   That which is valuable to the progress and growth of the venture.   The main issue, ranting of the parties did not adhere to this definition
   And in the future shall not be allowed to continue

  The meeting demoralized the marketing staff concerned and threatened not to push through with the plans

2.   Rights and power  of the owner:

      1.   Past discussions and arrangement -   Are all applicable had the promised loans to the principal Mr. FF materialized:     structure of sharing and rewards:   P10-20M from JD, and or P200K from the latest.  We are all aware that the deal could have fallen through had Engr FF provided this own funds
The event terminated all previous discussion and promises, the very own promises of brokers who promised funding having been broken and/or unfulfilled

          Therefore the project and the enterprise all belong to Engr. FF, and his decision alone shall prevail.  No further mention of equity or % sharing shall
be mentioned because the concerned parties failed to deliver the key resource - funds.   

         That EFF instructed key personnel of his own choosing shall not be cause for alarm and or display of power and selfishness, nor should be an agenda
for meeting with the owner.  And questioning that after it was declared as such is all ready a disrespect to the owner   EFF can make appointments based on his judgement of competence and loyalty of the personnel

       Engr EFF decision is his and his alone and every one in the room shall obey and observe such decisions

       Engr EFF has the right to make such decision and the owners must respect the agreement the JPA signed in accordance with Section 10 and 15 of such
document:  that he can conduct marketing activities, development  after signing

      It can no longer be a  WE.   Some parties failed to be part of the WE and do not seem to feel responsible

      The grant of right of way expansion has yet to be completed.   Such land is not available for acceptance to DHUSD the ROW still below the 10 meters wide
threshold.   The requirements of the land owner to provide the ROW is not yet complete and the owner must attend to this  soon

3.  Duties of the brokers/arrangers

     Following No. 2, those who arranged for the transactions will be duly compensated:    The land owner; has all ready signed a com agreement with one of the
brokers right after signing of JPA.   The owner has been suggested that x amount of his share be given in a document that shall be made at his instruction.
No more illusion of power and or joining the top management  as may be anticipated under the old discussion (which is no longer enforceable.  No such written 
agreements to that effect exist

    That the land owner was former classmate and special favors must be afforded is not in the JPA.   The JPA prevails

4.  Religion

    The apprehension on the religion issue was discussed directly by Mr. Alex.   Seating arrangement:     FF, Alex and Me   He said:    Di ba makakaepekto iyan kay Kapitan.   I said hindi naman po siguro.  It is a way to bypass the LTS and taxation requirement.

    It was untruthful that other parties communicated this information.   Marites at best and stricken off the minutes.   Unprofessional.   

    But it is a serious concern that must be addressed and repeatedly stated:

    1.   You have a Catholic name St Joseph and yet endorsed by a non Catholic sect;   sort of weird
    2.  Hard to market since the customer docs involve:   Deed of Donation for cash sale, and Deed of Pledge for installment.  Not marketable to non AG memberrs
    3.  Tons of paper work at BIR to acquire exemptions.   Not worth it considering that there are only 100 AG members and we are not sure whether they wlll buy


   We cant not proceed with proposed MoA with AG because of the above.   We can only choose subject to approval of EFF  1.   Make regular donation.  2.  Accept
 application for brokerage with some of com for donation to the church at situs and Binangonan.

  It is best to inform them verbally that we cant proceed with previous understanding.  

5.   Communication with land owner

     Since there is all ready a JPA, the only communication that m shall take place shall between EFF the developer and one of the land owners.  It is suggested that
     Jun be authorized to speak for and in behalf of the Landowners for more stable decision making.   This post see a repeat of prveious deal.
    If its not between you and met (landowner and developer) then its not true.  No third party shall intervene.  Its not in the JPA and undue interference and filtered           communication  from those who brokered this shall officially cease


     The concern of the meetings and the parties is whats for my best interest:   WHAT IS IT FOR ME

     If upon the instruction of EFF the personnel he directed can sell, this will benefit the land owner, his broker and the party to whom a arranging fee shall be given
     It is paramount for the parties concerned to see that consequence, results for them, and must not magnify miscommunication and/or defend such action to other
     parties.   This is a failure on those who called this bull session

    Let us learn to be loyal and support the decision of the owner.


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