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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Answering phone calls (or marketing via the phone)

Ateneo Professor on Entrepreneurship

From Dale Carnegie

Telephone courtesy.

Your company landline or cp is your window to the market.  Use this well to gain market share and more customers and sale.

Aside from answering the phone within the 3rd ring, the following must be observed:

l.    Be conversational.

2.  Give your full name

3.  Always mention the first name of the customer;

4.   Listen for understanding;

5.  Ask open ended questions;

6.  Be proactive listener

7.  Smile

8.  Call  instead of email

9.  Speak as the same rate as the customer

10.  Always thank the customer.

Quick tips for customer service excellence from Dale Carnegie---->  Please read Section 5

1 comment:

  1. yes i agree with you these are the good manners for the telephone answering and by adopting these we can promote our company in good way .
    thanks for sharing these tips .

