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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Achieivement, log report on yesterday's travel to NL, Region 1

Looking forward to the future of business

Rather than being idle and being upset by postponed presentation of marketing plans, this post elected to join Luis in Malasiqui trip yesterday   Met with:

1.  Nida Fernandez re Urdaneta Himlayan deal
2.  Met with Jong Valdez supplier of Engr. Fort, son of former Mun Engineer Valdez
3.  Visited HG San Carlos re:  marketing plan and non attendance by Sharifa
4.  Vist by Luis to RHU and Malasiqui Zoning office

Nida  Fernandez Tolentino:

   She came about 20 minutes late vs her appointed time

    1.  Legal issues for Himlayan

         The alleged status of Engr. Meijia as developer despite absence of documents to prove is worrisome.  Meijia effectively is co owner of the project and can pose difficulties for future owner


       1.  Draft a recession of contract to be sent by Landowner to Mejjia.  Meija
            must sign

       2. Research adt DHSUD -  what docs prove that Meijia is joint venture
           partner co - owner of Calica

      3.  Ask for certified true copy of the owners TCT -  may annotation ba re Meijia

      4.  NFT cant ask her lawyer daughter for help

      5.   Marketing plan for Mejia.  This post was enticed to look into the project
because of the promise of marketing plan ie:    Himlayan ng Bayani.  For some  reason, NFT has not submitted anything.   This post said, the deal may not proceed without her complying with such a bat

     6.  She requests that she be allowed to be outsourcing for interment.  It is suggested that LSJ handle this screen and prequalifty her. 


      Son of Engr Valdez, former municipal engineer, now supplier of FFljo.  an RN was an ex patriate at Dubai.  His father was no. objector to the project because of
   alleged health issues

     1.  He promised to help get a copy of Barangay  clearance resolution.  (This may help us save P100,000 for Barangay clearance.  We need the Barangay                           clearance for: Dev Permit, DAR conversion  His father no longer objects or is concerned with health issues of Memorial Park

    2.  His father promised to be a liason (for a fee) for DAR and DHSUD and dev permit

    3.  Like NFT, he wants to outsource:   vault manufacturing, and interment at Holy Gardens Malasiqui


1,  DOH clearance permit at Malasiqui RHU.   One of the approving staff bought a plot at HG Malasiqui.  He/she promised to help

2.  Luis obtained zoning certification from LGU of Malasiqui.  This saves us expenses for SB resolution

Promoting clarity, memo to solve organizational wrinkles

Looking forward to the future of business

This memo was sent to a group being organized for a business opportunity.  But power play and selfishness is pulling back/down the group.   We wet with them, and documented the proceedings:

The following are the observations and my minutes of the recently concluded "mahalagang" meeting which was must be communicated in writing to the concerned party to stop further misunderstanding and negative vibes in the venture:   :

1.  Conduct of meeting:

    When there is a meeting, parties must observe the Rogers rules of order.  Isa isa usapan, no interruption of somebody who has the floor until finished and recognized.

    Proper privilege motion must be recognized when leaving the meeting which is disrespectful.  

    All agenda in meetings shall concern improvement and betterment of the business. AND SHALL NOT BE NEGATIVE NOR SHALL THRASH EXAGGERATE ISSUES THAT ARE MINOR

    The tenet of Rotary applies:

    1.  Is it the truth?
    2.  Is it good for everyone concerned.

    It was evident that some discussions violated these

   Ano ang "mahalaga"?   That which is valuable to the progress and growth of the venture.   The main issue, ranting of the parties did not adhere to this definition
   And in the future shall not be allowed to continue

  The meeting demoralized the marketing staff concerned and threatened not to push through with the plans

2.   Rights and power  of the owner:

      1.   Past discussions and arrangement -   Are all applicable had the promised loans to the principal Mr. FF materialized:     structure of sharing and rewards:   P10-20M from JD, and or P200K from the latest.  We are all aware that the deal could have fallen through had Engr FF provided this own funds
The event terminated all previous discussion and promises, the very own promises of brokers who promised funding having been broken and/or unfulfilled

          Therefore the project and the enterprise all belong to Engr. FF, and his decision alone shall prevail.  No further mention of equity or % sharing shall
be mentioned because the concerned parties failed to deliver the key resource - funds.   

         That EFF instructed key personnel of his own choosing shall not be cause for alarm and or display of power and selfishness, nor should be an agenda
for meeting with the owner.  And questioning that after it was declared as such is all ready a disrespect to the owner   EFF can make appointments based on his judgement of competence and loyalty of the personnel

       Engr EFF decision is his and his alone and every one in the room shall obey and observe such decisions

       Engr EFF has the right to make such decision and the owners must respect the agreement the JPA signed in accordance with Section 10 and 15 of such
document:  that he can conduct marketing activities, development  after signing

      It can no longer be a  WE.   Some parties failed to be part of the WE and do not seem to feel responsible

      The grant of right of way expansion has yet to be completed.   Such land is not available for acceptance to DHUSD the ROW still below the 10 meters wide
threshold.   The requirements of the land owner to provide the ROW is not yet complete and the owner must attend to this  soon

Friday, March 7, 2025

Do we need CEOs or billionaires; drivers, cashiers, operators can create wealth without CEOs - is this true

Looking forward to the future of business

There was a post at a social media that says that the real creators of wealth are the thousand toiling hard working drivers, cashiers operators, and we hardly need the billionaires and CEOs who run the company.  They are an added cost.   The post generated a lot of controversy and conversation.   

Those who understand business say that the one who has idea started it all, saw the opportunity and created a product or service for that need.   Drivers and cashiers on their own, can not have thought about the product and business, and the wealth of the starters the entrepreneurs is the reward for that innovation and hard work they put into this.

Those who are simply anti business say that the huge salary paid to the CEO and the wealth they have is immoral.  

Its not because this post is an entrepreneur or heads a business.

But I know of case where the bosss, who was tired, and decided to work again for a boss, gave away the sort of truck for a burger machine type of business 300 of them in all to his workers so that they will run the same as a business and be rich too.  In 6 months, the business was gone.  On their own, without direction, without leadership, a business cant be sustained.    A CEO a billionaire is a necessayr fixture in the business models.  No CEO, no leader, no business.  Period