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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Will Donald Trump be impeached? Will a socialist govt take over and spell doom for USA

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 9, 2019

From Florida politics

From Casey Research, The Rise of Soviet America

We are not US experts, nor do we want to intervene is US domestic affairs (as some Senators are wont with regards to De Lima case)  But the move to impeach Trump is gaining grounds and the Socialists are (together with the Democrats) are behind the move.  And their daring moves include:   free health   care for everyone, writing off student loans and more all totally $40 trillion dollars a year, dwarfing the US $21 trillion deficit. And where will US govt these:  from more taxes (of the rich) and sequestering private savings. wealth forcefully and or/unwillingly by printing more money without value (inflation)

And these will change the quality of life as is happening in Venenzuela which is in hyperinflaction and characterized by migration from a nation typefied by scarcity and hardship.  Will this come to US land of the free.  Everywhere, as in USSR Germany has often resulted in hyper inflation and hardship.  The fall out on the Philippines may not be so severe but Phil will be affected due to trade, BPO, and OFW...

But will the politic fracas oust Trump.  No. Experts predict that it is the Fed rates rising that will cause the US stock market to crash and that is worrisome for many bankers.   And economists.

or the first time in our history, we’re about to witness the most devious plot against our country and a sitting U.S. president…
It’s no secret…
The “establishment” hates Donald Trump and everything he stands for.
They did everything possible to stop Trump from taking office. None of it worked.
Right now, he’s got loads of enemies in Washington and—unfortunately—even within his own cabinet.
Trump is constantly fighting the media… established Democrats and Republicans… top intelligence personnel…
He’s also fighting China’s influence… the Iranians… the Russians… you name it.
To make it worse, Trump is unconventional (that’s how he gets things done).
  • He’s anti-BIG government.
  • He’s a populist
  • He’s a nationalist
  • He takes BS from no one.
  • He’s not a part of Washington’s circle.
And he stands in the way of the “elite establishment”… a connected group of powerful individuals who control the decisions of elected officials…
…Powerful men and women with the attitude of the old Soviet communists.
They dislike Trump and his policies, especially since he reversed several of Obama’s.
They’re pissed and they’ve had enough…
And they’re ready to take back their turf from Donald Trump, the outsider, by any means necessary…

The First Presidential Coup on U.S. Soil

That explains why these mysterious and powerful bureaucrats cooked up the most outrageous government takeover on U.S. soil.
But it won’t be the kind of coup you’re used to seeing in some third world country.
Not a single bullet will be fired. Not a single gun will go off. And no, the president will not get arrested…
Invoking the 25th Amendment or impeachment will not be the weapon of choice to remove President Trump from office either.
That’s way too civil and timid… especially for a powerful group of this kind.
But rather, it’s a coup that uses a much more powerful and destructive weapon, one that will affect every American in ways unimaginable.
And to the best of my knowledge, no one is talking about this specific plot—or even knows it’s about to unfold.
But once Trump is out, the incoming socialist government will emerge as the new messiah… with a “new hope” and “new deal” for the American people…
  • They’ll peddle free healthcare for all. (It’s already drafted on paper.)...
  • Cancel all student loan debt and implement free college tuition. (A blueprint is already archived in Washington.)...
  • Initiate Universal Basic Income (UBI) for lazy Americans and immigrants, which is already in motion in Chicago and California…
  • They will take from seniors and boomers to give to millennials who live in their parents’ basements. Part of the plan to fund all this spending could include cutting Social Security and Medicare.
  • To further fund their socialist agenda, a 70% wealth tax is proposed by junior congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a card-carrying member of the group I call the American Soviets. Fellow socialists—and 2020 presidential candidates—Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren both support it…
    Just imagine giving back the vast majority of your income every year—just because you were successful.
  • They’ll cut military spending and make America vulnerable to enemy nations like North Korea and Iran.
  • They’ll completely abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and leave our borders as wide open as a highway so anyone could flock in (even enemies too).
But perhaps what’s even more dangerous…
They will deceive and blind-side Americans at the same time with the fake prophet of socialism.
And they will use these handouts to bribe millennial and immigrant voters and hold onto power beyond 2020.
Just like Castro did in Cuba in 1959.
Just like Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela in 1992.
And just like the Soviets did in 1917.
But like every socialist state, there will be serious repercussions.
Expect to see widespread poverty and lawlessness… and a bankrupt government that will seize every penny from hard-working Americans…
…All in the name of spreading the wealth.
It’s my sincere hope this will not come to pass.
It’s through solid work ethics and patriotic values that America became the great nation that it is.
But, sorry to say… the economic progress we made over the last two centuries is now all in vain. It will be wiped out within months by a socialist uprising.
I can assure you I am not trying to scare you.
Only, it’s my duty to keep you informed… so you know how to protect yourself, your loved ones, and everything you’ve worked hard for…
In other words, this impending catastrophe doesn’t have to catch you by surprise… as it could for thousands of Americans.

How We Uncovered a Shocking Coup
Against a Sitting U.S. President

I am Nick Giambruno, chief analyst at Casey Research, and Doug Casey’s right-hand man.
Doug Casey is a legendary economist, serial investor, multi-millionaire, and best-selling author who has dozens of political and financial connections with some of the most powerful people on every continent.
He’s met with 12 presidents, governors of central banks, and intelligence operatives... and boasts a cadre of resource and business insiders on speed-dial.
He’s even met with notorious scoundrels like Fidel Castro and the Governor of Zimbabwe’s Central Bank.
Our firm, Casey Research founded by Doug Casey, is one of the largest financial research firms in America.
And while our research firm has a track record of correctly forecasting major financial and political catastrophes based on research and hard intelligence…
We’ve NEVER been more confident of any stock market, political, or economic forecast than the one we’re making today…
And that’s saying something, because Doug was emphatic about a number of major predictions—most of which have come true.
Doug predicted the Savings & Loan collapse…
The fall of the Soviet Union...
The dot-com crash…
And 9/11 (two months before it happened).
Doug even predicted which direction gold would move in during that period.
Anyone who followed Doug’s prediction could have pocketed a 407% profit.
Doug warned readers of a coming credit and housing bubble in October of 2006, long before the 2008 meltdown.
And during that meltdown of 2008, Doug and his team made several recommendations that would later soar 405%... 234%... and 102%.
Doug also forecasted Brexit long before it came to a vote… and he’s long written about the socialist direction of the European Union.
Now he sees the same beast - socialism - is about to explode, here in the U.S.
What I’ll reveal today is the most confident Doug Casey has ever been on a forecast.
And Doug has rarely been wrong about something this big.
Look, Doug actually predicted Donald Trump would win the presidency even before he became the Republican candidate.
I think unless Trump’s actively defrauded, he’s going to be the Republican candidate. And he’s going to win,” – Doug Casey, April 21, 2016
But I hate to tell you this…
Just as Doug predicted the rise of Donald Trump, Doug is now forecasting the fall…

The Secret Weapon to Take Trump Out

It’s so malicious, dangerous, and historic… I sincerely wish we were wrong about this devious plot against a sitting U.S. president…
But this powerful, shadowy group has an “ultimate weapon” that no one will see coming…
Part of that secret weapon is the stock market.
In short, our research points to a “doomsday conspiracy” by this mysterious group…
…To crash the U.S. stock market and the American economy down to “ground zero” before the end of 2019…
Then pin the blame on President Trump, to sabotage his presidency and re-election.
The market drops we saw last October and December when the Dow shed an average 500 points were just the warning sign.
Based on our intelligence… you can expect to see further drops in the Dow through 2019.
...And a major crash thereafter…
Once the market collapses, it will be blamed squarely on President Trump by the aggressive opposing media…
The socialist state will win the souls of Americans and establish their policies.
The average American will be looking to the government for a bailout or a handout…
Much of which is already in the works, thanks to the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives.

Once Trump is out, a major retirement crisis will emerge as well…

But socialist policies come with a huge price. Just ask Venezuela…
America will bleed to death with debt and chaos. Our way of life… our freedom and financial well being, will vanish before our eyes…
Soon, there’ll be nothing left for our children and grandchildren to live on.
Or, even worse, there’ll be a violent free-for-all with corrupt leaders ready to gun down citizens looking for food… just like in Venezuela.
Hopefully that never comes to pass. But with socialist states, it always ends up going in that direction.
Like you, I love this country dearly and appreciate the values that made it the greatest nation on earth.
Which explains why I can’t sit idly by and do nothing. Doug Casey and I felt an urgent need to get this message out to you as quickly as possible.
To help you make sense of it all…
I’ll expose what’s been happening since Donald Trump won the presidency…
You’ll get details on those rogue bureaucrats who hold major influence over policy and politicians…
 …And who have allies on both sides of the political aisle… within the intelligence community… the military… industry and the media.
Sit tight. I’ll name names… and take you “inside” their conspiracy to topple a sitting president.
You’ll see how a stock market collapse is virtually locked-in, and what mechanism they’ll use to trigger sudden drops in the DOW as we saw last December…
And how they’ll set up a socialist agenda as America’s new deal.
And best of all, I’ll show you what I am personally doing to protect myself and my family, and even grow my wealth quietly.
I can't promise you'll emerge from this crisis completely unharmed…
But I can just about guarantee you'll be a lot better off than those who don't follow these simple steps.
Because once the market crashes and socialism is implemented… a whole new wave of Americans in their 50s and 60s will be unable to retire.
Retirement accounts and 401(k) plans will be wiped out instantly or seized. Social Security and Medicare payouts will be halved…
The value of your home will be slashed too…
Foods like milk, butter, eggs, sugar, and medications will be rationed and controlled by operatives of the incoming socialist government…
Of course, the question is, can a stock market crash really take down president Trump and what are the implications for folks nearing retirement?
At first I had doubts…
Until Doug and I began putting together the pieces of our research, like a giant puzzle.
And the plan to take out President Trump through a stock market crash is as fool-proof as anything I’ve seen.
And respected economist and investor Peter Schiff agrees with Doug’s forecast…

“What we’re about to experience will be a bigger bust than what we had in 2008 and, unfortunately, Trump is going to get blamed for that as will all of the Republicans.”

– Economist Peter Schiff
After all, this powerful group we call the American Soviets knows what it’s doing.
To understand the magnitude of it all, I have to reveal something here that you may have NEVER heard anywhere else…
See, while various stock market crashes in the past have never been intentional (not until this one we’re expecting).
History has proven that no political party, or president, regained power after a market crash.
For example, Jimmy Carter was the little-known Democratic Governor of Georgia. But in 1976 he won the presidency as a Washington outsider and reformer…
Within two years the Dow lost 20%, thanks to rising interest rates. A recession hit. And 1.3 million Americans were out of a job.
Carter lost re-election while Americans found new leadership in Republican Ronald Reagan.
The same scenario played out during the reign of George H.W. Bush.
The Dow dropped 18% in three months. That recession lasted nearly a year.
President Bush paid the price when Bill Clinton, a Democrat, won the presidency.
Then look what happened late in Clinton’s second term.
The dot-com bubble exploded and stocks lost $5 trillion in total market value.
No surprise Americans elected a Republican, George W. Bush, to the helm at the height of the crash.
But no one can forget the financial crisis of 2008. It was the bloodiest modern-day financial disaster to hit the U.S. under a Republican president.
John McCain, a beloved war hero—respected on both sides of the aisle—wasn’t enough to keep a Republican government in the White House.
Instead, America voted for liberal newcomer Barack Obama (who—though out of office—is aiding the new socialist movement in America).
Trump himself knows how closely presidential fortunes are tied to the stock market.
He’s routinely claimed credit for the roaring market of his first two years in office—as he should.
But he’s also a student of American history.
And he knows the most alarming example is that of President Herbert Hoover.
Like Trump, Hoover was a successful businessman, and a Washington outsider who became president in 1929.
Just after Hoover took office, the Roaring 20s bubble began to pop. Banks were running low on cash.
By October 8, 1929, panic set in. The stock market completely crashed... which ushered in the Great Depression of 1929-1933.
Americans who saved their entire lives for retirement discovered they had no money left.
Now while Hoover didn’t cause the Great Depression… he took the fall for it…
Franklin D. Roosevelt became president as the new “messiah.” He had an aggressive socialist agenda that led the Democrats to a stunning four presidential victories.
twelve-year reign.
When history is rewritten, there are two presidents who will be remembered for the worst reigns… due to stock market crashes and recessions…
  1. Herbert Hoover, the scapegoat of the 1929 great depression.
  2. Donald Trump, the victim of the plotted 2019 stock market crash and recession.

But there’s One Major Difference
Between Trump and Hoover…

The Great Depression of 1929 was not orchestrated…
But Trump’s fall from grace—triggered by a stock market crash—will be the FIRST planned political coup on U.S. soil.
Some Washington politicians know something big is about to go down…
Some folks believe the Justice Department is the origin of this deeply connected group that will fully take down President Trump.
Sen. Lindsey Graham is on record saying he believes “a bureaucratic coup” led by enemies of President Trump is taking place at the Justice Department…
And Lindsey even asked that a new special counsel be appointed to investigate.
I doubt very much this will happen…
Others like former Trump advisor Steve Bannon recently told Reuters, “There is a cabal of Republican establishment figures who believe Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. This is a crisis.”
By all means, there’s hush-hush speculation as to where this plotted coup will originate, and who’s behind it.
Again, most of this speculation is really just… speculation.
But Doug Casey and I have done more research on this secret group than anyone I know of…
While some may call this group the “American Soviets” because they’ve got the attitude of the old Soviet mafias…
Doug, and renowned author and economist Bill Bonner, calls this group the “Deep State” or “The Shadow Government.”
And this group operates according to its own compass regardless of who is formally elected to office.
Let’s get down to the meat of this planned coup… plus details of this next stock market crash… and the retirement crisis that will follow…
Including what you can do to protect yourself.

White House Take-Over

You see, the “Deep State” has a life of its own, like the government itself.
It’s a “state within a state” that’s hiding in plain sight, and made up of top personnel…
…Including directors of important regulatory agencies… Silicon Valley… the media… high-level bankers, presidents, and professors at top universities (which act as Deep State recruiting centers)…
Not forgetting long-term congressmen and senators… the NSA, military and intelligence operatives, according to Doug Casey.
The Institute for Policy Studies cited names like…
Former CIA head Michael Hayden…
Former FBI chief James Comey…
Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice…
And, Justice Department official Bruce Ohr…
Other sources have indicated H.R. McMaster was another high-ranking Obama operative who tried to destroy Trump’s “America First” policies, by approving the continuation of security clearances for Obama-era personnel.
Also I am not surprised billionaire George Soros—a colleague of H.R. McMaster—declared the Trump phenomenon will "disappear" in 2020, calling Trump’s presidency a "danger to the world."
According to Soros, “My personal goal in the United States is to help re-establish a functioning two-party system.”
Think of it: That’s Soros’ personal goal?
Which begs the question: Who is George Soros… what’s his role… and is he the “Godfather” of the United States of America?
You see, all the anti-Trump operatives are held together by power, money, propaganda, and their secret agenda to implement anti-American and socialist policies…
Policies that are embraced by politicians you already know.
Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez… and Democrats running in 2020 like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris.
In fact, these politicians seem like they’re “marked” to carry out the socialists’ policies of the Deep State, once Trump is out.
And a stock market crash and recession seems to be the strategy to take down Trump once and for all.
Question is: What will trigger this market crash? How will it happen? And when?
Take a look at this chart below.
Look carefully at the red circles at the various peaks.
These red circles are utter bad news.
Every time a red circle appears, a precipitous drop and market crash follows.
As an esteemed businessman, I expect Trump is aware this is the weapon that will be used against him.
And while Trump seems like a fearless warrior who’s energetic and tough… these red circles represent his worst nightmare.
He recently complained about the peaks marked by these red circles. I believe it’s key to the fate of President Trump and America.
As you may have guessed, these red circles are initiated by powerful members of an established group that President Trump says is his “biggest threat.”
I’m referring to the most powerful bankers in America and possibly the world: The Federal Reserve…
In short, based on our research, Doug Casey forecasts that the Deep State will use the Federal Reserve to take down President Trump.
Let me explain…
I hate to tell you this, but the Federal Reserve (The Fed) is NOT part of the U.S. government. The Fed is independent. 
The word “Federal” in the name is nothing but a smokescreen to throw you off from knowing their real goal…
Which is to manipulate the American economy and stock market at will.
The Fed is nothing but 12 mere mortals playing God with an economy of 326 million Americans.
And if they take the actions I expect they will, hard-working middle-class Americans will become poor when the stock market crashes… and Trump is out.
Through this orchestrated financial coup I’ve been telling you about.
I have no doubt, intelligence and military personnel of the “Deep State” would love to take down President Trump by force…
But that would make them look bad in the eyes of Americans.
Instead, they’ll settle for a more subtle, yet powerful and extremely dangerous financial coup to achieve both objectives…
  1. Take down Trump
  2. Win the hearts of Americans.
The weapon: Interest rates.

“…All modern rate hike cycles have resulted in a recession, financial, or banking crisis”

– Forbes
You see, interest rates, set by the Feds, can make or break the economy…
Take a closer look at the chart I showed you earlier…
Every circle represents interest rates hike from 1921. And after every interest rate hike, see what follows…?
A market crash or recession… many of them you’ve lived through…
And many of them Doug Casey forecasted long before they wiped out the fortunes of hard-working Americans.
…The stock market crash of 1987… the Savings and Loan crisis of 1990… the 2000 tech bubble… the financial crisis of 2008…
How is it possible for the Fed to derail the economy using interest rates?
When interest rates are low, borrowing money gets easier.
It’s cheaper to buy a house, a car, or take a loan. Consumers have more money to spend too. Businesses expand. Profits rise. The economy is happy.
But the opposite is dangerous.
When the Fed raises interest rates, your mortgage becomes more expensive. You have to pay more for your car loan.
Consumers have less money to buy bread, milk, eggs, electronics, or go out to dinner…
Businesses can’t expand. Profits fall. Stock prices tank and the economy comes to a screeching halt.

“[If the] interest rate goes up 2, 3, 4 points […] We don't have a country”

– President Donald Trump
Remember how everyone said the economy looked good under President Obama?
Well, Obama had help from the Fed. Throughout Obama’s two terms, the Fed kept interest rates super low at near 0%.
But look below at what happened once Trump won the presidency.
The Fed began an aggressive interest rate hike cycle which sent the markets into a tailspin… causing Trump to say, “I’m very unhappy with the Fed because Obama had zero interest rates.”
The first rate hike for 2018 was announced on March 21…
Then the second hike was on June 13…
And on September 26, the Fed raised the rate to 2.25%.
Shortly after the hike, the Dow slipped 800 points. And President Trump remarked, “The fed has gone crazy.”
By October the stock market lost nearly $2 trillion.
But that didn’t stop the Fed from hiking interest rates to 2.50% in December 2018.
The market went nuts.

The Ghost of the 2008 Recession
is BACK to Haunt Americans…

December—which is usually the best month of the year for stocks—saw the Dow losing a staggering 1,863 points within a month…
…Making it the worst December for the market since the great depression of 1931.
$2.3 trillion vanished.
$155 billion in 401(k) and IRA savings EVAPORATED within days.
Across the country, American families were getting panic attacks…
According to Daniel Milan, a managing partner and investment adviser at Cornerstone Financial Services in Birmingham, Michigan…
“Two clients called and said they wanted to get out of the market completely
“Both investors said they couldn't ‘stand the pain’ of seeing the Dow fall more than 500 points in a single day and watching their account balances shrink. They said they would rather ‘cut their losses.’” 
Across the world, the markets in Hong Kong, South Korea, Turkey, Italy, Germany, India, Mexico, and London were headed for the pits.
Even the White House was in turmoil.
Trump’s treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, frantically called Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo…
Just to see whether they had enough cash on hand to finance normal operations.
It was as if the “recession ghost” of the 2008 financial crisis came back to haunt us…
…Similar to when then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson called these same banks ahead of Lehman’s collapse.
Not the kind of nostalgic feeling you want…
But, mark my words, all this is happening simply because the “Deep State” and the socialists want to get rid of Donald Trump and reclaim the running of the United States.
This isn’t over.
If the Federal Reserve takes interest rates to 3% over the next few months, the stock market could lose more than 50% of its value.
The Trump Administration will owe over $1 trillion in interest on the country’s $21 trillion debt...
…Which will cause serious strains on the economy and take it to recession mode.
And the folks who’ll feel it the most?
In fact, Americans, 50 years and over, won’t have peace of mind.
And here’s why…

Baby Boomers and Seniors Won’t be Able
to Retire When Everything Crashes

Boomers are expecting to claim their Social Security and Medicare over the next few years… after decades of contributions.
I’m sure you’ve paid into this system since your first job as a teenager. You deserve to get your money back.
But there’s one BIG problem that no one has ever mentioned to you.
You see, around 2008, the country’s overall debt consumed 65% of the government’s yearly income… which economists call the GDP.
…While the remaining 35% of the country’s income was reserved to make Social Security and Medicare payouts.
Now, for the first time since World War II, the U.S. debt level is at 100% of its income.
That means the debt will consume all of the country’s income. So where will the payments for Social Security and Medicare come from?
When American retirees will be looking for their rightfully earned payouts over the next 5 years, all hell will break loose.
Can you imagine what will happen when the market collapses and Trump is out of office?
Can you imagine what would happen when the socialist government begins to expand welfare programs with every cent it has on the books?
Can you imagine when the socialist government says they will need your money to help “spread the wealth” equally?
Month after month, Social Security payouts will decrease until you can no longer feed yourself because of vastly inflated food prices.
In fact, as we speak, retail prices are headed one way. And that’s UP…
Kellogg’s, who own cereal brands that are a staple for American families, has increased prices by 12% for certain foods.
Major food giants like Mondelez, The Hershey Company, NestlĂ©, Unilever, and Coca-Cola are reportedly hiking prices this year.
That’s exactly how it began in socialist Venezuela.
Next thing you know… people have to wait in line to buy even the smallest amount of food.
But it’s not just higher food prices you need to watch to see the cracks in the economy…
Real estate in the U.S. is down by as much as 10%.
In Seattle for example, home prices are down as much as $80,000. Same story in Chicago, Denver, Austin, Washington, Nashville, San Francisco…
Insiders are literally bracing for the worst!
Real estate website Zillow and research firm Pulsenomics surveyed more than 100 real estate experts and economists…
Nearly 50% of the experts surveyed expect the next recession to begin by 2020. That’s next year.
In other words, as economist Peter Schiff puts it, “the market will collapse as a result of interest rate hikes.
Expect a long, drawn-out bear market with the cost of living rising to dramatic levels. This bear market is not going to end quickly”.
It will be the most ferocious, most unforgiving, and most destructive economic calamity this country has ever seen…
Like 2008, over 9 million Americans will be on the breadline… looking for work. Even retirees will petition Walmart for jobs.
And that’s exactly what the incoming Democratic socialist government wants…
To have Americans in bondage… and to offer sympathy in the form of socialism.
It’s a brilliant plan, dangerous and new—at least in America.

Get Ready for Full Blown American Socialism

But the coming recession isn’t the only thing that will take down President Trump…
There’s something else that ensures socialist politicians will get elected to office, anointed as the country’s new “messiahs” ASAP.
They’re a dangerous group of young Americans who seem clueless and don’t have the faintest idea what the first 5 Amendments are…
…And who spend needless days on Facebook and Instagram.
Yet want free healthcare… free college… free housing… free guaranteed income… free EVERYTHING.
And you can bet millennials will get all the “free stuff” they want…
Because in the 2020 presidential election… millennials will call the shots. And you and I know they will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.
Let me explain…
Over the last 40 years, baby boomers (ages 52 to 70) have been the largest voting group in the U.S.
In the 2016 elections, baby boomers were still the largest voting group at 74 million strong, according to the Pew Research Center.
They were critical of President Trump’s rise, and kept FOX News afloat.
But by next year’s presidential election, boomers will slide down to 72 million…
At the same time, millennials will take over and become the largest voting group topping 73 million, based on projections from the U.S. Census Bureau.
In a nutshell…

Donald Trump Will Be Your Last President

By that I mean, he will be the last “culturally American” president for the remainder of your lifetime.
Because America is about to witness a 40-year millennial voting rule that will keep the Democrats and socialism in America for a very, very long time…
Beginning as early as this year.
It will be an unprecedented and disastrous time for America. A period you’ll be forced to live in…
Because millennials are a generation that aren’t used to being responsible…
And now?
They’re about to inherit the United States.
And they’re as anti-Trump as you can get. Anti-American even…
It’s such hypocrisy, because…
The very same capitalist and “culturally American” system that Democrats hate so much is what made America such a great nation, with vast resources and wealth.
All of which millennials now want for free.
If this country was a socialist nation from the signing of our Constitution… today we wouldn’t exist.
But these days socialism is chic and hip.
And it’s made its way to Congress with the likes of Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar…
…Ayanna Pressley and radical “superstar” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who—a millennial herself—seems clueless about foreign policy, taxes, and the economy…
But don’t be surprised if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez becomes the president of the United States… soon.
She’s got the support and “Robin Hood” image that young Democrats love, after all.
But the established Democrats running in 2020—Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Kamala Harris—are equally dangerous.
There’s a 90% chance one of those socialist politicians will be the next president of the United States come November next year.
And once Trump is gone… here are some socialist policies your retirement money is expected to pay for.

Here’s What the Socialist Government Plans
to Do With Your Money by Next Year

Socialist Scheme #1:
Universal Basic Income (UBI)
Once the socialist government comes in, it will dole out free money to everyone, including immigrants. They call it Universal Basic Income (UBI).
I call it madness.
But you bet UBI is supported by Silicon Valley billionaires like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg.
Facebook co-founder and billionaire Chris Hughes is on record telling CNBC that America should implement UBI immediately.
In Chicago, for example, lawmakers recently proposed legislation to provide 1,000 families with a $500 monthly stipend—no questions asked.
And just recently, the 27-year-old mayor of Stockton, California, Michael Tubbs, introduced a local UBI pilot program.
How much will UBI cost, and where will the money come from?
It would cost taxpayers $3.8 trillion a year, according to a new study done by investment management firm Bridgewater Associates.
That’s already 78% of all the taxes collected for social programs.
Any increase in taxes would require you to pay a level of taxation that would exceed anything in U.S. history, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The only thing standing in the way of making UBI law is—as you guessed—Donald Trump…
Which is why Trump’s days are numbered.
But it gets worse...
Socialist Scheme #2:
Free-for-all Health Care:
It’s no secret that Bernie Sanders is the godfather of American socialism.
He received more millennial votes than Trump and Clinton combined.
And his ambitious free-for-all health plan is a disaster.
The Urban Institute and The Mercatus Center, both social and economic policy think tanks…
…Recently revealed that Bernie’s plan will cost the government $32 trillion over the decade.
The Tax Policy Center also ran the numbers. Bernie’s health care plan would, if unfunded, add a further $3 trillion a decade, in interest costs alone.
These are big numbers that make your head spin, I know. But the Democrats are embracing this plan as is.
But that’s not all…
Socialist Scheme #3:
Free College for 
All and Forgive All Student Loans:
How about we magically pull out $1.4 trillion from somewhere to clear all college loan debt?
If you’re thinking, other people's money will pay for it…
Then you’re right. It’s your money that will pay for it.
It will cost another $807 billion for Democrats’ free college scheme over the next decade.
Sad thing is… all the socialist presidential hopefuls for 2020 support free college for all.
This next one is a direct copy-cat from former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez’s book.
Socialist Scheme #4:
The Largest Takeover of Private Wealth in Human History
Have you heard of the proposed Accountable Capitalism Act?
Here’s the long and short of it.
It’s a plan that’s been called a “federal takeover of the U.S. economy.”
And it gives the federal government the right to dictate how U.S. companies should manage their money…
And how to distribute profits too…
Just imagine… businesses that traditionally pay dividends to retirees… like Coca-Cola, Walmart, and Johnson & Johnson…
And retirement-friendly assets like Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and employee stock repurchase plans…
Including 401(k) plans, IRAs, and other retirement accounts that are invested in stocks... all subject to a socialist government’s meddling.
Basically the government can “count your money” before you yourself touch a cent.
If successful, it would constitute the largest redistribution of private funds in American history.
Isn’t it funny how politicians can’t seem to balance a budget, or avoid a government shutdown…
Yet want a big say in running corporations.
In case you didn’t know, the Accountable Capitalism Act is Elizabeth Warren’s baby…
She is the same woman who’s running to become a socialist president in 2020. I hate to tell you this, but she could win.

Once Donald Trump is Booted Out of Office
Next Year, These Major Threats Will
Displace Families and Create Poverty

Add it all up and socialist policies will cost us a solid $40 trillion.
That’s more than the GDP of China, Russia, Germany, Canada, France, Brazil and Japan, combined.
Question is: How are they planning to fund these socialist programs..?
We all know how: More debt. More taxes. Cutting military funding. Abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement department. Stealing from Social Security and Medicare…
Just take your pick….
No one said it better than former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher: “Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people’s money.”
In this case it will be YOUR money they’re coming after…
Prepare for…
Higher taxes on working-class Americans:
According to the Congressional Budget Office, one option for raising $34 trillion would require seizing over 70% of all corporate profits… including over 60% of all family income.
That could mean higher taxes on your 401(k)… even if you withdraw after 70 years.
With nearly 50 million Americans holding 401(k) plans, that’s a nice money pool for the socialist government.
But don’t think a 60% tax bracket is far-fetched or impossible…
Unless you’re living under a rock, I am sure you’ve heard of the Green New Deal
It’s a set of expensive new policies for the “New Socialist America”…
…Pushed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who is now on the finance committee of the House.
And a proposed 70% tax threshold for top earners is the only way to pay for it.
An opinion piece in the Washington Examiner reports this Green New Deal “is one of the most dangerous and extreme proposals offered in modern U.S. history. It’s the sort of thing you’d see in the Soviet Union, not the United States.
In short: Your money will be confiscated and disguised as a “tax.”
Your assets will be confiscated:
Don’t for a second think that asset confiscation is impossible.
It happened in 1933 when socialist president FDR forced everyone to turn in their gold at $20 an ounce…
Then they turned around and set the price at $30 an ounce. That’s 10 bucks on every ounce.
But let’s talk about today…
Do you know there’s a rule called Civil Asset Forfeit?
Under this rule, the state of Wyoming confiscated $91,800 from a musician named Phil Parhamovich… but never charged him with any crime.
Similar situations arose in Texas and elsewhere causing a federal judge to remark, “It’s victimizing innocent citizens who’ve done nothing wrong.”
Just imagine what will happen under a socialist government who’s looking to take from seniors to give to millennials…
Without warning, you could be locked out of your bank account, locked out of your brokerage account, locked out of your business, and even locked out of your own home.
And that comes with another burden…
Greedy lawsuits:
Any socialist government no doubt creates an environment where everyone thinks they’re entitled to your money.
With over 70% of the world’s lawyers operating in the U.S., expect lawsuits to be on steroids.
Imagine being sued for saying anything “politically incorrect” to someone, or just because you speak the truth.
Or because someone slipped in front of your house, even if they trespassed.
Or because you’ve held on to what’s rightfully yours and that, my friend, can be seen as an “injustice against the poor.”
Believe me, the socialists will find multiple ways to get your money.
Think of it.
There’ll be two major “devils” you’ll have to deal with.
The coming recession that could wipe out your savings… and socialism that will ensure hard-working Americans give up their own money… for a very long time.
Your payouts from Social Security and Medicare will also be slashed to fund other welfare projects for young voters.
Medication, food, everything will be controlled by government hacks… such as a socialist Democrat like Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris…
Who, by all accounts, could win the presidency as early as next year.
It’s time for you to prepare.

What You Can Do to Protect
Yourself and Actually Make Money

So what can you do... to protect and possibly even grow your wealth through this crisis?
As I said earlier, my name is Nick Giambruno. I am Doug Casey’s chief analyst.
Doug Casey and I are constantly working to provide the very best market insights and asset protection practices to our followers.
In fact, we’ve outlined several simple steps you can take right now to protect yourself and your family.
These are steps Doug has already taken to safeguard his family’s well-being over the next few months and years as well…
First off…
You’ll need to make sure there’s a “safe” location you can go to when socialist riots hit your neighborhood.
Make sure you’ve got enough food, water, and medication. Also keep all important documents in a sealed bag.
The next step is to grow your wealth to sustain your survival over the long haul.
It’s important to get exposure to some of the most valuable assets on Earth, especially during a crisis.
Modern economies can’t run without huge amounts of oil, coal, copper, platinum, uranium, corn, rice, lumber, and iron ore.
These natural resources are so important, they’re often a matter of national security.
In fact, I’ve seen Doug and our readers pull gains like 656%… 800%... and 4,329% from some of these assets.
And while investments do carry risk and nothing in the market is guaranteed, you’re looking at the chance to stash away convenient extra cash for rainy days.
The next thing you’ll need is a perpetual income stream. That means setting yourself up to collect predictable income from specific businesses, according to law.
But not just any business… there are a handful of businesses that actually increase payouts during a recession or crisis…
Not forgetting…
You’ll also need to protect the purchasing power of your money from currency devaluation…
That would mean getting specific assurance with physical gold and silver.
Gold is a must-own asset through any financial crisis. Its value doesn’t depend on the health of the U.S. or any other economy.
For example, right after the financial crisis of 2008, gold soared from $732 to nearly $1,837 an ounce making some people rich.
The great thing is even if you store your gold locally, you can still participate in the global economy regardless of economic conditions at home.
Again these are simple steps you can take to safeguard your livelihood and grow your wealth at the same time.
Your best defense is to be prepared when everything comes crashing down…
Which is why Doug Casey and I wrote a comprehensive survival blueprint for concerned Americans.
It’s aptly called Casey Research’s Survival Handbook: Sidestep and Profit from America’s Socialist Financial Crisis.
And I’d like to send you a copy absolutely free.
Armed with this blueprint, you’ll have the resources to help you not only survive this coming crisis…
But also to prosper—under the radar—so your assets and wealth are safe and untouched.
Inside you’ll find details on…
  • How to legally open a foreign investment account that gives you exposure to some of the best assets abroad. (You don’t ever have to leave your house to open this account.)
  • The easiest and legal way to open a foreign bank account that protects your wealth from confiscation and out-of-control government hacks. You’ll be shocked to know which specific foreign banks to avoid, and which ones to use.
  • A specific U.S. account loophole that can be used to store investments away from prying eyes… in case the government makes a grab for retirement savings.
  • How to buy and store gold so that you can use it to survive, regardless of the economic condition at home. And how you can also use that gold as money when the dollar drops mercilessly.
  • How to participate in healthy overseas markets, without leaving your home, and much more.
Some Americans are still recovering from the perils of the 2008 financial crisis… yet we’re on the brink of another one…
Throw in socialism which will suck the lifeblood out of the country… and you have what could possibly be the end of working-class Americans.
The urgency to protect and find a clear path to long term survival is as important as breathing air…
Again this survival guide is yours absolutely free.
But that’s not all I will send you today. You’ll need…

Your Perpetual Income Stream,
Even During a Crisis

If you believe in financial independence…
If you believe in expanding your wealth quietly, without flaunting it…
If you believe that a man has a right to his wealth, then by all means you need extra income in times of uncertainty…
How’s that possible?
One of the key ways to build your “empire of wealth” has been the same for centuries: owning enduring, high-quality assets that can pay out steady income over and over…
We’ve identified a “safe” way for you to quietly collect regular payments from $500 to $1,500 or more depending on the size of your position.
It’s an income source that’s been making payouts for—and get this—over one hundred years…
And this source even increased its payouts by 20% during the 2008-2009 recession.
Another of these iconic income sources has increased its payouts every year for over 40 years… regardless of what happens in the economy.
Just last year it set aside $14 billion to return to investors.
That’s the type of income source you want to own… so when the markets turn south, you’ll have a steady stream income coming in.
Think of it as your personal “goose” that lays an ever-increasing number of golden eggs.
Doug and I have established a “Proprietary Radar” to locate these income opportunities on your behalf.
And we’ve found two of the best payout streams you can tap into.
You’ll know how to begin collecting within weeks through a second survival report called: Casey Research’s Perpetual Income Streams.
Just like your first research guide, this second guide is yours free when you claim your survival package.
In fact these are the same survival guides I’m sending to members of our premium research service, The Casey Report.
It’s our flagship research service here at Casey Research.

Legendary Research Service Designed
to Build and Protect Wealth

In the world of finance, stock picking, and asset protection, The Casey Report is as legendary as Doug Casey himself.
Let me explain…
Over 30 years ago Doug Casey wrote a book called Crisis Investing.
Doug’s book spent 10 straight weeks on the New York Times best-seller list. Doug also appeared on David Letterman, Larry King, Charlie Rose, and Regis Philbin…
Not surprisingly… Doug’s work was also featured in TimeForbesThe New York TimesBarron's, and The Washington Post. Doug also made appearances on every major network you can think of… from CNN to C-SPAN to NBC.
And Doug’s been called “America’s most controversial millionaire” many times through his life… because he’s never afraid of speaking his mind. For instance…
  • Doug called the Democratic Party a “cesspool”…
  • He once refused to shake Dick Cheney’s hand and then went on explaining why he despised the former vice president right to his face...
  • He believes that America’s “civil war” wasn’t really about slavery and that there’d be far less racism today had the South been allowed to leave…
  • And he thinks that political correctness is ruining America…
“A wave of political correctness has washed over the world like a tsunami of raw sewage... it’s dangerous, dishonest, and destructive” – Doug Casey
But it’s Doug’s uncanny knack for forecasting and turning any crisis into a way to profit, that’s made him so popular with investors and hard working Americans.
In other words, Doug always makes the “big money calls” with near financial precision.
For example, in February 2001, during the dot-com bust, Doug told Casey Report subscribers that silver would enter another bull market.
At the time it was trading for $5 to $6 an ounce. By April 2011, it hit $51 an ounce—a near tenfold increase!
Doug even predicted which direction gold would move after the dot-com crash…
Those who followed Doug’s prediction could have pocketed a 407% profit.
And during that meltdown of 2008, Doug and his team made several recommendations that would later soar 405%... 234%... 102%.

How We Recommended Multiple
Triple-Digit Gains from One Trip

Another example…
It was 2013. Cyprus was on life support with a banking crisis. Its stock market was down 98%.
I hopped on a plane, along with Doug Casey, to check out the situation and found opportunities most investors couldn’t see…
The result? Our readers saw two triple-digit winners and three double-digit gains from ONE TRIP to a crisis zone: A total 533% gain.
Of course it’s not from crises or recessions alone that we look for opportunities…
Doug and I help our readers understand how to make money whether the market is up or down… through boom times and down times.
It’s easy to see why some readers have sent us notes like these:
One of Doug's readers named Carl L. recently told us, “I bought and just cashed out with a 3,100% profit. My mortgage is now paid off. Thanks, Doug.”
Linda C., who made 3,420% on one of Doug’s recommendations, wrote in to say: “I thought that your publication was for the rich. I was right, for it turned an ordinary dependent divorced woman into a financially independent woman.”
And Russell says, “The Casey newsletters are hands-down the most valuable of many newsletters I’ve sampled or subscribed to” and that they “provide an invaluable insight that cuts through the noise of so much other information I sift through on a daily basis.”
Like you, these readers value their freedom, and the right to build their wealth. But this right is about to be taken away, bit by bit…
Today, you’re a target because of your core values as a hard-working and cultural American.
It will only get worse once Trump is out.
Millions of Americans will lose their retirement and will barely get by in a socialist state…
You need Doug’s guidance more than ever.
That’s why I am ready to send you our survival report Casey Research’s Survival Handbook: Sidestep and Profit from America’s Socialist Financial Crisis and Casey Research’s Perpetual Income Report.
And they’re yours free of charge when you take a 60-day trial to The Casey Report.
In fact, I’d like to do better and add another report to your survival kit.
Here’s why…

Mount Your Defense and Profit
at the Same Time

You need to get defensive right now because we’re also forecasting another financial storm that will wipe out millions of pension plans across the country.
It has to do with corporate bonds, which are about to burst wide open as the Fed raises interest rates.
The way a corporate bond works is simple: You loan money to a company; the company pays you back your original amount, plus interest.
So here’s what happened…
When interest rates were low, U.S. companies offered endless bonds to pension funds and investors…
Thinking they’d be able to pay back those bonds and the interest easily.
Soon it will be payback time...
And nearly $4.9 trillion of corporate bonds must be paid in due time.
But with interest rates rising towards 3%, and an economy heading towards a recession, it means one thing:
These “broke” companies won’t be able to pay back those pension funds, investors, and retirees who loaned them the money…
In other words, these bonds are now “high-risk.”
It’s only a matter of time before the bond market explodes, which will make this next recession even more catastrophic.
Let’s get defensive… AND also try to make some profits along the way.
There’s a simple and convenient way to do this in 10 minutes with the click of a mouse.
Doug and I will reveal the full profit details to you.
It’s all laid out in a third survival guide called: Decisive Profits from the Collapse of Bonds.
It can be yours free of charge just like your first two guides: Casey Research’s Survival Handbook: Sidestep and Profit from America’s Socialist Financial Crisis and Casey Research’s Perpetual Income Report.
You may have noticed by now, that one report compliments the other. That’s by design.
After your assets and savings are protected from prying eyes during the coming financial turmoil…
You’ll need a steady income stream to secure your financial peace of mind. Plus you need to get defensive when everything goes to hell.
Again, these reports are part of your “survival kit” that comes to you free of charge, when you try a subscription to The Casey Report, risk-free for the next 60 days.
Question is…

Why is The Casey Report
Your Most Important Resource?

You see, these reports tell you exactly what protective steps to take now, plus the specific recommendations that could maximize your profits.
But you’ll also need to know when Doug and I recommend you exit those investments.
And you also need to know what defensive and survival measures to take on a timely basis because America is rapidly evolving into socialism… something we never thought we’d see…
You need to be constantly assessing the situation with forever evolving markets.
To survive peacefully, you must stay ahead of the curve. That’s where The Casey Report comes in.
Every day Doug Casey and I monitor the market… the economy... and the political landscape in and out of the U.S.
We do all the work on your behalf. And report directly to you through The Casey Report.
Each monthly issue gives a quick market overview and recommends exactly what and when you should buy, and when to sell for profits. And it includes any other intelligence you need immediately.
Should there be a move you need to make before the monthly issue comes out, you’ll get a quick email alert.
It’s all written in simple plain English, easy for anyone to understand regardless of investing experience or net worth.
You see, at Casey Research, we believe in personal independence and intellectual freedom.
We believe everyone deserves the right to come to their own conclusions about their personal finances and livelihood…
And that’s exactly what we want to help you achieve by doing all the work on your behalf.
It’s all reflected in what our readers have to say. Check this out…
Admiration for Doug:
"Made 500%. I admire what Doug’s done with his life, and what a guide he’s been to me.”-J. Bordner
Doug Helped Me Retire:
Doug’s picks have made me tons of money over the years, enough so that I have been "retired" since 1992... I "work" at home sitting in a recliner... My life consists of enjoying myself to the max. It may sound strange to some, but I have found my calling in life because Doug Casey showed me the way to do it.” Robert O.
5,800% Retirement Security:
“I owe much of my retirement security to taking a small [stock] at $0.27 per share and watching it climb to about $16.” —Will M.
By the way, Will’s gain was more than 5,800%! That’s enough to turn $25,000 into $1,475,000!
At this point you are probably thinking The Casey Report is expensive.
And it should be…
After all, had you followed Doug’s call before the 2008 financial recession, not only would you have watched the financial bloodbath from the sidelines…
But you could have banked gains like 405%... 234%... and 102% months later.
Something else that’s worth mentioning…
Many other newsletters out there just provide stock picks. But they won’t alert you to a financial catastrophe that could wipe out your retirement account or 401(k) within minutes…
Or give you hard intelligence that will protect and grow your wealth during a crisis.
The Casey Report does all that and more.
In short, The Casey Report is a valuable survival guide to you and your family.
Based on the timely research we provide, we could easily charge upward of $5,000 for a full year of The Casey Report.
I’ve seen many financial newsletters go for much more.
Yet, you won’t pay anywhere near $5,000 for The Casey Report.
That would be against our mission of showing as many people as we can how to gain financial freedom and protect their savings especially when they need it most.
Which is why we charge a lot less for The Casey Report.
In fact you may be surprised at this deal. And I’ll get to that in a bit…
But before I tell you about it, there’s something else you need right away.
It has to do with a fourth survival guide I’d like to send you.

The 500% Gold Investment

You see, socialism by itself is just one problem. With it comes with an even bigger headache: inflation.
Just ask Venezuela. It costs $150 for a dozen eggs over there. And $703 for a carton of milk as reported by the Business Insider.
It’s worse in Venezuela’s own currency.
Basic medication that normally costs 16 bolivares is now 1,500 bolivares.
Why such high prices?
It happens when a country expands its money supply to pay for social programs and welfare…
In the U.S., inflation has been on the rise for a very long time. Today $1 buys less than 20 cents did back in 1962.
Do you know the dollar has lost 97% of its value through your lifetime?
It will only get worse. And when that happens, just imagine the effect inflated prices will have on seniors and retirees in America.
Remember: Kellogg’s, NestlĂ©, and other food companies are hiking food prices already…
The cost of rent, medical insurance, and basic cost of living expenses are rising faster than wages…
Just imagine what will happen when the next recession hits… when Trump’s gone… and the socialist government takes over.
That’s where an “inflation-proof” investment comes in. And it has to do with gold.
Gold is the ultimate form of wealth insurance. It has preserved wealth through every kind of crisis imaginable.
It will preserve wealth during the next crisis, because gold prices historically soar as the dollar loses value.
Over the last 3 months alone we’ve seen gold prices jump from $1,206 an ounce to $1,319.
Today we’re letting you in on one of Doug’s “safe” gold secrets that returned over 500% within a 3 year span.
It’s one of those under-the-radar gold investments.
But the great thing is you can participate in this gold secret with the click of a mouse.
Everything is laid out in your fourth survival guide: The 500% Gold Investment.
And it’s yours free when you sign up for a 100% risk-free trial to The Casey Report today.

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