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Monday, April 1, 2013

End the War vs Terrorism and Save Trillions in US Now

Ateneo Professor on Entrepreneurship

 From Washington Post/CNN  | by Fareed Zakaria   | December 9, 2012

James Madison, father of the Constitution, was clear on the topic. “Of all the enemies to public liberty,” he wrote, “war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. . . . No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”

Why cant US end the war in terrorism now?  Ever since 9/11 and  the emergency wartime powers were granted in 2001 "Authorization of Military Force"  US has spent nearly $2 trillion in Iraq war, built 33 complexes for intelligence, and Homeland Security has,  employed  230,000 yet not one terrorist has been brought to trial (take no prisoners eh)   Ever since it was enacted US has been in a perpetual state of war, even longer than the Civil War or World War I or WWII.

For the first time, Jeh Johnson, the outgoing general counsel of Pentagon has outlined a possible exit/or ending the war on terrorism at gathering of Oxford Union.  Other suggestion/strategies could be crafted under a normal condition continued state of war.

Why are we concerned about this?  The continued bloating of the govt of the US, its debts, and ballooning financial crisis and continuous troubles maybe are caused by this state of being in war.?

Problem in US reverberate in PHL or many Fil-Ams in US, if not the remittances from abroad

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