An entrepreneur, a businessman, who wandered into teaching after finishing his MBA. Now a full time entrepreneur and businessman, discovering what works and what does not work. Surrendering idealism for Pragmatism In entrepreneurship, you do not really know until you find out...
I am a businessman and entrepreneur and an educator on entrepreneurship by accident/or on the side. I am first and foremost a businessman and entrepreneur. I made this blog to gather my thoughts on the subject, make this as a legacy for future entrepreneurs.
Summary of Book by Dan Kennedy by Sam Davies - how to reliably and afforably attract prospects, customers and clients.
Triangle of magnetic customers, media and message.
The most important ingredient is the target market: how do you market hamburger? By finding a bunch of hungry workers...
1. 5 big ideas:
1. Your biggest problem is that you do not have enough sales
2. If you cant sell to prospects and customers and there are no steady stream of prospects, nothing
matters to your business
3. The advertisement of big companies have nothing to do with sales
4. Make yourself the point center of your products and services..
5. We must deliver the right message to the right market using the right media.
2. Creating the right USP:
1. What is distinctly unique about the product company?
2. How do you uniquely benefit the customer
3. What is your niche?
3. Objectives of a campaign
1. Lead generation (of suspects)
2. Conversion of leads (and or prospects to sale)
3. Retention.
4. Questions about your target market:
1. What keeps them awake about your product (what pisses them off)
2. What is their pain?
3. What is the problem that you can solve for them?
4. What is their secret desire.
5. How do you create a magnetic offer?
Create a widget: a very special product/offer benefits combination Write a compelling irrestible
offer on why they should choose you.
6. Methods of presenting offers:
1. Restate, repeat the same offer;
2. Offer humor on deadlines for extension
3. Third and final notice
4. Change offer
7. 4 jobs of an offer:
1. To strengthen awareness
2. To emphasize unhappiness with competitors features
3. To establish authority
4. To predispose position prospect mind so that they will buy from you.
Copy writing, one of best paid jobs in the world is about converting words, concepts and ideas
into cash. No copy writing, no cash, Poor copy writing, little cash. So you must master
doing this craft if you are business owner or entrepreneur or somebody in sales and marketing
This is one of the best work I have seen on copy writing that really matters
Some copies work better than others, some copywriters give better tips than others.
These video by Chris Haddad. I think is better than the rest. It focuses on being unique and being noticed. And thus, being unique, as a strategy in marketing, would work better than the rest.
1. Find out about the primal desires; why do men/women want about the products (and even work on this
sublimally) People make irrational and illogical decisions based on desires not logic. Find out wheat
they are. Research before hand.
2. PIG (Punched in the Gut Ad) to get attention
Get attention employ drama and emotion into your ad:
"My dad would have died had he not taken this GERD medication"
"Get 30 lbs from your girth and never talk about several stories of belly
fat again"
"The govt would not take care of my family, but with this device, I know
they will always be safe"
3. Make promises and claims with balls. Be bold. Do not be weak and tentative
"When you buy this product you will save 9% per month.
Make the product pay for itself"
"If you enroll in our course, we guarantee you will pass, if not
we will refund"
4. Be helpful and mechanistic with promises: Audience want to be helped.
People do not know how. You have to give them advice and instructions
to do things:
"Our software will let you do your payroll painlesslessly and quickly"
"If you outsource your payroll with us, you will have this on the dot every payday."
Not a minute less
"Our financial advisers will let you earn at least 2% annually year after year..
5. Confirm prejudices that are all ready in the mind of the customers/audience
"Most men lie and are polygamous, how about...."
"Most women/wife will leave you with another man if you cant satisfy her....
"Most people resist buying memorial park because they fear they will die
soon. As per many Filipino superstition Here are more of them...."
We are not selling yet. We are entertaining and making the audience feel interested...
6. Transform buying into a great social or heroic act. Make buying a right thing to do.
"If you buy our product, you give more jobs and opportunities in the community"
"If you buy our product, you help us conduct a feeding program in the community,
to pay more taxes to finance the social services in this town"
'Its the greatest thing you can leave your family. Beautiful life story
not worry and heart aches
"Its the best thing you can do for your elderly. Give them a SC privilege card.
If you buy our product, we will give a Privilege Card that will entitle them to a 20/20%
big big discount. Can anyone beat that support to the seniors?....
7. 7 Deadly sins to use in the copy:
Gluttony - more things than you need. "More wealth than you can imagine
." "Unli rice" "Unlicall"
Libreng Galaxy phone ipaparaffle if you do this....
Greed - GE now only P1,200,000 to accommodate your entire family
Sloth - Easy, simple, we will do everything for you. Let us handle all
your worries
DP of P10,000 all in. Ready to move in.
We will handle all paperworks for you.
Envy - " You will be talk of the town" You will be most beautiful girl in town.
"Wait to see the eyes of your neighbor pop out"
Leave your neighbors in the municipal cemetery. Move into the
new neighborhood. Be the talk of the neighborhood once you
move up
Wrath Revenge. Be rich and let no one mock you more.
In death as in life, there is always a status symbol.
Pride - protect your family, honor tradition. "Leave a legacy and lasting
memory with a uniqueMausoleum; with imported caskets;
"Leave behind a lasting impression - with interment they will never forget."
"Have your mausoleum that will stand out. Have it designed by Michael
Adriano, the Phiulippines renowned Mausoleum designer/builder
Lust - "Last the whole night with this tablet Age is but a number..."
"If you are indebted by P100,000 as of now, and you have no source of income, then you should...
so that you should get off the hook.
If you have planned for everything in your life, and still you have invested in the final chapter of your life
then you should.... soon why so that the story shall be complete
How do you convert value or your product into cash. You need to communicate this effectively.
What leverages this is copy writing.... (It is salesman in print) Writing to sell...
How to influence others?
How to make words into money? Use written word to enhance and extend relationship with customer that includes salesmanship
How to do it/
1. Make tons of research on customer to make a good copy
2. Find the words: that arouse curiosity, take action,
3. Look at the ads of Lazada, Amazon
1. Language of the PTM
2. Competition
3. Engage with the audience
4. Swipe cheats... (headlines that work)
Start writing, start writing, edit, edit
1. Some tips.
not more than 4 lines per paragraph
one word
too much me me me (more of the customers needs and problems
2. Headlines:
First research:
1. Kind of conversation
2. Find the pain
3. Find the needs
So that you can connect
3. Headline: Claim as a question:
Who wants to.... (make P100,000 a year.)
(Squeeze page - secret)
Make subject new: (discovery) product Introducing, announcing Discover Copy is not what you learn in school. Write the way you sell/speak New
Avoid telling the why, more of the how. How to make Pxxxx a year.
4. Opening
1. Imagine
2. Here is what its all about
5. Establish credibility
1. Establish yourself as an expert (here is the me part, boasting part)
2. Anticipate objections
3. Position yourself as an expert
6. Bullet points on benefits:
Short sentences that tell much in condensed form about your product
7. Testimonials
1. A video
2. Statement with picture and address
8. The value justification:
1. Is the product worth it?
2. Is it solving the customer problem
9. Options for the customer
1. Give it up, go for the old product or strategy
2. Do it yourself - bumili nag sariling casket or gawin or maglibing sa likod bahay or farm plot
3. Risk reversal: Can you guarantee the product; (will the customer abuse?)
If you dont pass, we refund
If you are not happy with the product, we will refund
If the lot will not appreciate, we will buy this bac
10. Call to action:
Text, cal or email or message. Put all the information that is needed
11. If you dont do anything you lose....the opportunity the discount or the great offer
Why FB is impt.? It is important place to advertise. It has made many people addicted. Learning this FB ads is a great way how to make money
The video here I think focuses on PTM - targetting and does not talk much about the ad.
Here the author talks about the:
1. Campaign
2. Adsets (the PTM)
3. Open the ads manager
1. Determine the objectives: traffic, conversion etc.
2. Determine the PTM
You can encourage people
4. Make the ads.
1. Custom Audience
Narrow down the target: Custom audience (what people are all ready visiting your website or are all
ready who liked you or followers. Or people who have bought the products.
1. Location
2. Age
3. Sex
2. Look alike audience Who are just like the custom audience. (FB will look for people who bought
all ready your products.
1. Religion
2. Likes/dislikes
5. Facebook pixels - you put on your website to determine the demographics of people who visit your ads...
Targetting - how to do it? But by research; narrow down the target market so that you dont waste the
money, you cant sell to say 200,000,000 audience
Do we, you to be wildly successful as Startbucks? Only Starbucks can do it? Cant we?
Howard Schulz, the chairman of Starbucks and steps down to become Chairman Emeritus. He is worth $3 billion and is considered a US Presidentiable. Will he run?
He said he owes everything, ie the success of Starbucks to the great team he has. And said that with many formulas being taught, one thing can be taught to be a success in business schools - fierce determination
Some people we know in the camera division are being laid off and in the US, camera service center are being shuttered.
From a peak of 120 million units in 2010, the sales of digital cameras has declined by 84%. In 2018, shipments of digital camera, has shrunk to only about 19 million units
Of that, Canon which holds 10 million units expect that to fall by half in 2019.
All because of smarthphones, which although can not come up par to DSLR qualities have continuously increased MPs, have front and back cameras are capable of 360 degrees and 3d shots and are convenient. No need to lug bulky gears. Plus it comes free with an affordable price. You can have a $200 phone with high resolution camera and which are as good as the SLR. for ordinary photography. But a DSLR can set you back by as much as $500.00 quite tough for ordinary consumer.
Me for example, I not used my point and shoot Canon camera. All used is the camera at my Motorala phone. The digital SLR does not have the feature of immediate sharing the photo once it is shot. At Instagram or FB.
Olympus, Nikon and Canon are reported to be shifting resources to Medical Imaging. (Too late)
Canon sees a 50% decline in sales in 2019 and 81% decline in operating profit We have to be aware of the changing fortunes of time and be prepared
Same happening compared to Kodak, the company that invented Digital Photography
1. Rule of 1: one customer, one offer, one page... Keep it simple, one call to action
2. 5 second rule - because of limited attention. Less energy to comprehend.
1. what is the benefit
2. how to get this
3. specific action
3. 3 key benefits
say thousand songs of benefit (at apple)
1. Key feature so that ------> maintenance free (not more)
Headline, have icons
4. Short video of problems solved, how is it solved, what is lost, if the prospect did not go with you
CTA similar to others
5. Social Proof
Testimonials and proof to show the previous customers on experience with us.
How did they find you?
What was the customer problem before
How did the company solve the problem of the customer
Will they recommend the product
Written testimonials (comment)
Not more than 5 sentences long, With picture of customer
6. Features list (the logical site)
Simple bullet list.. not more than 10
1. CS
2. Maintenance
3. Use checkmarks
This needs:
1. New blogs that will appear as websites; No posts allowed
1. Stop using ebooks. Not many good eBooks came out as a magnet
2. Quantity vs quality. Google now requires, and rewards 2,000 words, and come out of relevant words to cover
your topic. That are relevant No jargon, Write conversationalist, bullets, make it easy for people to read
3. Relying on free or organic post. FB looks like that you pay. 2 to 3 of target read your post. You should spend Seek relevant paid audience. Even for paid ads, audience, same pa rin
4. Generic email posts. This must be targeted. Segment: say those who have bought from you, or those who inquired, or subscribe to your magnet ad.
5. Keyword pages stuffing. Instead re using same words over and over. Substitute this with other words, (use a thesaurus, or website that does the same service
6. Talk at rather than talking to the audience. Have conversation. with them. (So FB is better At the end of blog or video, have button to have a conversation Follow up
7. Stop using slider. Opt for single photo with compelling message instead
A case study
1. Offer options to the prospect if you have multiple products
If you have bread and butter product, give more emphasis on core products.
say fencing vs gazeebo,
Dont be too general. Which will turn off your prospect for the bread and butter
2. Clear and visible specific navigation.
1. Testimonials
2. Prices
3. Contacts (in pages)
3. What is the main offer? Avoid technical lingo
(avoid slider, carousel) Stick with one image and message
4. Call out the benefits (do not dive into into features)
What are they going to get perks
Benefit (Emotional) Icon (visual cues)
Logical (bullet points not exceeding 10 benefits)
5. Include testimonials (product review) Social review. Real picture of the reviewer.
Include a video testimonial. Use a plug in proof...
6. Call to action. Make it easy. Make it stand out not of same color (make it stand out)
1. Call, or have consultation. Only 3 to 10% go to the site to buy
2. Secondary call to action. (have a magnet)
Have a one final offer if they are exiting.
Avoid stock images, have plenty of white space. Have bold. Clear call to action
You can make your website and ads more persuasive.
1. Getting the foot in the door. Once the prospect gets his foot in, does a little thing for you, the more he is likely to do bigger thing. After he requests for a video, schedule a meeting
2. Truth become real with repetition (at the title at the text
4. Mirror effect- people respond if you are placing yourself in their shoes... Or how the same work
helped other people just like them. Loo for the testimonial. (in the same age group)
Use the same word what
5. Use band wagon effect(herd) We do what the others do, Where the trend is going
"Join the hundred customers who have chosen your product, others who have plug in.
6. Identifiable victim
It helps to narrow it down, with a specific case study. Testimonial with whom they can identify
7. Analysis paralysis
Avoid too many options/choices
Studies have shown too many
Simplify: Rule: one person, one offer, one information for the person to make a decision. If it is
loaded with too many information, that tends to confuse, remove the others
8. Anchoring
Say bigger price.. And then plug in the smaller price (even when big, looks reasonable)
Show more expensive price first...
3. large audience targetted in the beginning vs. focussed smaller (because you turn off other leads
2. Not targeting strategically: (when you go to the next stage) of acquaintance
1. From what you know
2. Your research on target audience: demographics, pages they like, FB activity
3. Not trying different hooks
say 3 hooks (benefits) of the product: You never know the hooks that attract the customer (you do
not know until you try
4. Not warming up:
You have not given enough information not made the trust of buyers and appear as sleazy salesman
1. Give advice by video
2. Lead magnets to get people to read on.
1. Send
5. Too hands off, or hands on
1. Too much hands off, and get impatient monitoring ads very frequently. Increase budget to those
that work, and leave those that do not. Have 72 hours for it to work
6. Objectiveconfusion:
Determine the goal (in the ad)
1. Retarget, conversion, traffic?
2. FB has target of 50x response so that the algorithm can work..
An entrepreneur has three major tasks (if he is to succeed)
1. Discovering, conceptualization of value that he can offer the public or prospects
coming from:
1. What pisses off the customers
2. New needs and wants in the marketplace
3. Competitive initiatives
4. New technologies; new values
2. He has to communicate this to the prospects via:
1. Traditional sales channel (sales people and outlets)
2. Traditional communication channel: leaflets brochures,
3. Accelerate this communication process via:
1. Traditional media - newspapers, billboards, TV
2. Non traditional media events, social media
The social media: SEO Google ads, the use of webinars, ebooks has become passe.
Facebook has become the dominant platform. If you do not use FB, your marketing
efforts could be slowed down.
Facts: 1. many newsprints have closed shop even the veritable Time and Life, and even PDI
in Philippines
2. Billboards now that rents out at P200,000 a month could have have gone over the
the top. Myriam took pity on them 5 years back by having them banned. You could
barely see and or understand their pitch at 100 kph and even more so when it rains
3. TV ads which cost P700,000 to P1,000,000 every 30 seconds are zapped by the
remote TV controlller in households
Ads are now seen more on You Tube and other videos reflecting the shift in
the importance of mobile devices and /or FB ads in #3, ie accelerating the spread
of communication
Some say FB ads dont work. They dont if:
1. You cant target well your prospects/
2. You cant write a good copy
An entrepreneur must understand this process, this development first hand, and must know how to do it himself, otherwise,. he may spend tons of money which he can ill afford. As entrepreneur, he must make paraan and avoid the pitfalls. This series will focus on landing pages, lead generation, what to avoid, how to do this right..
In a surprising study by Price Waterhouse Cooper and published by Esquire Magazine, it is predicted that there will be 32 richest countries in the next 30 years, with Philippines in the top 32, number 19 and will come after Korea. The paper mentioned that economy will double and the projection comes from purchasing power and GDP growth By 2050, the world GDP will double in size...
This is very inspiring for many Pinoys. From the bottom of ranking to the top 20. And we will even overtake Thailand Malaysia, Spain, Canada, Italy, Australia, imagine.....
USA and China would have been overtaken by India and Indonesia.
Is this possible?
The rankings:
32. Netherlands — $1.496 trillion
31. Colombia — $2.074 trillion
30. Poland — $2.103 trillion
29. Argentina — $2.365 trillion
32. Netherlands — $1.496 trillion
31. Colombia — $2.074 trillion
30. Poland — $2.103 trillion
29. Argentina — $2.365 trillion
28. Australia — $2.564 trillion
27. South Africa — $2.570 trillion
26. Spain — $2.732 trillion
25. Thailand — $2.782 trillion
24. Malaysia — $2.815 trillion
23. Bangladesh — $3.064 trillion
22. Canada — $3.1 trillion
21. Italy — $3.115 trillion
20. Vietnam — $3.176 trillion
19. Philippines — $3.334 trillion
18. South Korea — $3.539 trillion
17. Iran — $3.900 trillion
16. Pakistan — $4.236 trillion
15. Egypt — $4.333 trillion
14. Nigeria — $4.348 trillion
13. Saudi Arabia — $4.694 trillion
2. France — $4.705 trillion
11. Turkey — $5.184 trillion
10. United Kingdom — $5.369 trillion
9. Germany — $6.138 trillion
8. Japan — $6.779 trillion
7. Mexico — $6.863 trillion
6. Russia — $7.131 trillion
5. Brazil — $7.540 trillion
4. Indonesia — $10.02 trillion
3. United States — $34.102 trillion
2. India — $44.128 trillion
1. China — $58.499 trillion
Do you share the optimism? As of now Philippine is considered as one of the top tourist destination, investment countries. Large population, educated and English speaking workforce, modern infrastructures - airport, telecom, ports etc. Trains will be on stream soon... But that will take a lot of will determination and hard work. Let us be united...
We are to be cautious here though since our total GDP is only $300 b, and GDP per capita is only $8,000 more or less.
But we will be there..
I had to check this article because I might violate FB community rules on true news...