Social Icons

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blogs Are Looked Down in the Academe?!


Yesterday in the faculty meeting, I asked the opinion of my colleague on this undertaking and said blogs do not count; they are just journals and opinions are involved in trending and social thing. They do not count in the academe and is not considered a research or publication. (I could understand that - there are millions of bloggers but very limited number of professors) I was rather disappointed. I put in a lot of thoughts and effort in this blog to counted out by peers. There are some questions though:

l. Why is my blog being read abroad?
2. Why are the tweets accompanying the blogs via feedburner being retweeted or quoted by other entrep gurus abroad?
3. Why are other business experts following me on my tweets?
4. I thought that creative thinking, innovation, and critical thinking is encouraged in the academe? Arent there original thoughts and critical thinking in blogs?
5. What are tech tips and advice that work for others? If they work in real life then, since it is not in a journal form, it is not useful to the academe?

Perhaps, some education of the colleagues on blogs is necessary. They may not be up to date on social media. They are not up to date on self mastery. They are behind their students.

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