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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Lead Generation by Dan Lok - Why do you need this? What is this?

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 20, 2019

1.  What are leads?  Why do you need this?

      In previous lectures, leads are suspects.    They are the universe of audience in the community who
           TIME. Thus they may be non customer, non prospect,and you as a marketer may ignore them

          Hence we have a program to take care of this via:   FOFF (Free obituaries for friends - people who
          are customers

2.  Why do we need them?

         This is to keep the sales funnel forever operating - suspects, leads, replace the prospects who become
          your buyers.

3.  Example:

     For every 100 people 3% are sure  buyers (Class A)   7% are B,  interested but maybe lacks money
          or needs further conversation

         30%  are not interested at all.

   By your ads and sales talk, or say a stadium talk, you may lose your  leads:

       How do you let the 30% stay in the stadium because they may be transformed from C or D
       Suspects to A and B.

      If you say, those who will buy the lot stay, we will lunch, then only 3 will remain the rest will leave.

     Hence in lead generation, you want to a have a pool of suspects who can be prospects.

     In lead generation you widen the net

            Get them with opt in or learn more posts:   Send them PDF, tips on things that may be
            of help to them in the future.  Like estate planning, staying healthy

           After 3 to 5 months of being a friend and you sending them information, they may become your
           friend and be a buyer too.   So the rest of 30% stay and now you have a larger pool of buyers

Holy Gardens Group. My day job

Lead Generation using FB ads, by Deep End

Professor on Entrepreneurship

October 20, 2019
Rizal Philippines

Merge FB Ad Manager with MailChimp or Many Chat..

Do a FB ad.

    1.   Amazing pics   use multiple picture using Image dynamic (

    2.   Ad post limits   25  title,  50 beneath picture;  200 pictures for ad text

    3.   Select Ad group;  select audience, select budget

         Detailed segmenting:   hobbies, employment (self for taxation)  analyze)

Our product and business. We have been here for 36 years

Building traffic by by Peng Joon - conversation dominating strategy

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 20, 2019

      Image result for how to build a sales funnel from scratch
                                 Luma na ito, panahon ito ni Google at email,  FB age na.  find our how
                                                       to do at age of FB and Instagram

How would you like to earn more?  You can do this by dominating the web making conversation about yourself and product.  You have to build trust with the followers because they know and trust you.

The presentation matches what the other gurus are saying.

     1.  You can proceed to making offer at once.  You have to win the trust and friendship of the
           market.  Many cant buy because:  they dont know you, your company  and the product

    2.  The steps needed are:

        1.  Acquaintance
        2.  Friendship
        3.   Marriage

   3.  Understand that your goal is to guide the readers, transform from 1 to 3.  It takes time for people
         to absorb the information and buy from you.

  4.   The business owner, the entrepreneur must do the 3 things

        1.  Create value
        2.   Communicate the value
        3.  Accelerate, leverage multiplying the communication process

            But it cant done overnight.   Poon has a staff and he must have done this over a long period of time

Content marketing acceleration strategy; converstation domination

      1.   Make 120 videos

      2.  Schedule their showing on different platforms

     3.  Transcribe the videos (there are some platform that does this)

     4.  Put subtitles, gather them in a platform and schedule select the platform where to upload:
          You tube, facebook, vimeo, instagram.  A play list.   They must have pixel format.  FB is 720 x720

          Que for the next 90 days.    Only 5% of the videos perform...

    5.  Make quote cards for each of the post/video you made.   With image made from Fondo, photo                    monkey

      N.B stagger the posting of video and quote gram so that they dont appear on the same month...

    6.   Long term blog post.  Take the transcription  add admonition and place in shared folder
          and post on your  blog...

   7.  Getting your ROI.  How do you harvest money from your work and investment?


      1.  Make your videos

      2. Curate videos, have subtitles.  Trascribe. Have a consistent theme

      3.  Do the following:

          1.  Post the video at different platforms

          2. Create quote cards -  post af FB and Instangram

         3.   Post the quote card and transcription (with video) at your blog.

        4.  Use the following to convince people to buy the product

Conclusion:    Being good at something is not due to talents alone.   Skills can be developed by training
                      and hard work.

I have been able to do this:  I have several blogs on biking, landscaping, health (cures)  self development,  memorial park, solar, physical fitness: our town, on politics and philosophy. and paired with FB pages.   It is just I missed some of the recommendation by Peng Joon (since this is not a full time job, more of the hobby)

     1.  I did not  post as myself,  I shunned publicity

     2.  Did not do videos (since I am not technically adept at this)

     3.  I was not focused since I was posting on diverse topics.  I have many topics, too much food on the plate.

    4.  Since there are no videos there are no transcription.  If there are videos, they are existing You Tube
         videos,  I should have made on my own.

    5.  No quote cards.  

    6.  But I have blogs.  I should have linked the blogs a and facebook nd main business so that the other followers can converge or be linked to your sponsoring business and be part of the sales funnel

Click to find about our sponsor


Friday, October 18, 2019

3 kinds of sellers in a sales and marketing organization - who is the most important?

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 18, 2019

3 types of people are needed in a sales organization

      1.   Finder  (the one who has the network, ,prospect) -  the most important  position
            (but cant be done by a FB admin..)

     2.   The closer

    3.    The developer (CS guide) who makes customer stay one.

System can teach closing and customer link.  But finding network....

How to sell anything to anyone using AIDA method

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 18, 2019

1.  Break the pattern and get the people stop the routine...

2.  Interest:  something unusual  bizarre

3. Desire  -  people buy because of Emotion

    Include the emotion desire in buying..  (from hell to heaven)
    Transform the person. Paint a picture of the

4.  Call to action

    1. Scarcity/urgency.   With count down timer.

    2.  Social proof  (if other people are using this)

    3.  Likeability... From pleasant people (include your picture  in the ad)

    4.  Handling objections   include the anticipated  objections..

    5.  Limiting options

Benchmarking Billion Dollar Companies FB ads.

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 18, 2019

    1.  Limitation   25 characters limitation;  90 character text 200 characters for ad copy..

   2.   People buy because of emotion

   3.  Social proof.

  4.  Strong value  proposition:  solution of problems transformation.   The magic..
       (not the product)

  5.  Attractive photo.  Emojis

  6. Scarcity

 You must not start from the start.  Get inspiration from other  ads...

Facebook advertisement from A to Z

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 18, 2019
Facebook advertisement from A to Z

Nothing can make ad writing easier than FB, from A to Z right on your table with you the entrepreneur doing this alone....

A.  Creating the  FB page

   1. First create a business page (fan page)  by clicking on the button create page from your personal account

  2.  Select local business or company

  3.   Fill out the all the template. FB will deal with pages that are fully optimized.

B.   Writing the ad

  1. Click the link create the ad.

  2.  Go to the page which asks the

       Choose the marketing objective:

     1.  Select video, (if you have a video)  lead generation or conversion (dont choose others because they
          are a waste of money.  Video is the cheapest  (2nd or third column)

       1.  Name the campaign  say Holy Gardesn Memorial Plan offer

      2.  The adsets (which is the target area)

             Female, age 31 to 50
             Income level
             Buyers of say Forest Lake etc

     3.  The ad

          1.  Choose a video a startling bizarre video  Video is the cheapest ad.

          2.  Write the headline with the free offer   It has to be powerful ad.  Dapat may offer the  Free
               for the customer to take action

         3.  Write the link

     4.  Budget say $5 /day  (P250.00)   choose the lowest so that you can choose the one that works.
          and then select a bigger audience

Deep end - Writing Facebook ads that convert (sell)

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 18, 2019

1.   Some say FB ads dont work. But it works.

     It will work if you have the right PTM

     Killer ad

2.   3 type of ads:
                                                                                         Corresponding to
    1.  Content marketing  -  lead generation                      acquaintance
    2.  Remarketing                                                             friendship
    3.  Offer                                                                        wedding

3.   Tips:

1.  People dont buy products just for the products  -  for transformation and problems solved.

         Like coffee at Starbucks.  People do not buy the coffee.  But drinking coffee at Starbucks make you
         feel social... A transformation

2. Use  social proof (also espoused by Bob in Persuasion.)  Testimonials

3.  Scarcity and timeline..  You gotta act now... Nothing lasts forever

4.  Watch what people do when scrollling:

      1. Stop the scrolling with a unique  picture

      2.. Then they  will look at the headline

      3.  And then the content... -  killer ad


1,  Lead generation

      1.  Use yellow

      2.  Use emoji

      3.  List the bullet for the benefits that can be gained.   The glimpse of transformation  that triggers
           questions.  What are those secret?

2.   Remarketing...

      Exquisite event.

     1.  Picture of a wedding  (social proof)

        Headline -  have you been to a wedding that does not look good.  Paint the picturee

       2.  Problem decorating a wedding

      3.  How can we transform the  wedding

     4.  Paint the picture  of transformation

     5.  Add a line on scarcity

     6.  Link to something to a page - to a form, to messenger..

3. Advertising an offer...  Carwash

      1.  Offer

         Problem -  you sit out car wash.

        Transformation   -  how does it work

      2.  What is deadline (this week only) 20% off

          Give solid reason why they should get the offer..

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Pyschology of Influencing - Getting People to say Yes

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 16, 2019

Image result for pre suasion summary

Professor Robert Cialdini wrote a book, a sequel to Influence 20  years ago and then later, Pre -Suasion.  He is a Prof Emeritus of Psychology at University  of  Arizona.  He researched on how yes decision, or infuencing process takes place. Definitely it is not about logic and merits of the product.

We are influenced by what happens before the influencing takes place...
He looked at the process and investigating the work of marketers and sales people.  He found out  that there were 6 secrets:

      1. Reciprocity -  people would say yes to people who did favors to them like gifts etc.  (So corrupt
          practices continue.

     2.  Likes  -  Book how to win Friends and influence people  by Dale Carnegie is about this:
          Names, finding commonality

    3. Authority  -  those who have credentials, authority

    4. Social proof  testimonial    proof of use and efficacy, research  (increased sales by 13 -20%)

    5.  Scarcity - the last stock, you can not buy more than one

    6.  Commitment   constancy of calling  attention....(those who make their appointments are more
        likely to appear (lessened no shows in appointment)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Vision of Health or Vision of Heaven to capture sales

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 9, 2019

Image result for Santa Paula Fire in California

Marketer Joon at FB suggests selling to be drawing a vision of an island of heaven and hell.

Your goal is to bring the person from hell (problem) to that of heaven (bliss better life)

Will it be better to be positive  or start painting the negative. ?
People normally will not respond to a positive ad.   What will interest you more:  having healthy gum or how to remove toot ache?  Definitely it is the second one.

Find the pain and solve this.  Find the problem and solve this

Creating a captivating ads to grab attention of buyers

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 9, 2019


1.  Know your PTM (primary target market) and know their buying behavior

2.  What is the offer (product or service)

3.  Hook.  How are you going to bait the prospect from among other population:

     1.  Shocking picture to show to the customer   (say old watermelon)
     2.  Solution to a problem (always a good strategy)
     3.  Power words:

                     Paint words in a copy.    E.g.  Weird product to remove disgusting gunk

                      Paint the picture in their mind preferably with video..

                      Call to action:  click here to register, click here to learn more... sign up now

How do you ramp up business using FB ads?

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 9, 2019

Earlier we said that the new marketing now, and biggest and strongest marketing platform now is FB with 1.8 to 2.0 B a month subscribers.  Its no longer radio, TV, Google or You Tube.  It is FB.  So if I or you have not understood yet marketing via FB, then we become extinct or our business is in danger.  Better learn this now and/or hire FB marketing experts.  Here is the tutorial by Fred Lam.

Learn the FB ad feature;
    The 11 objectives of FB ad.
    Sample of making  FB ad....

Will Donald Trump be impeached? Will a socialist govt take over and spell doom for USA

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 9, 2019

From Florida politics

From Casey Research, The Rise of Soviet America

We are not US experts, nor do we want to intervene is US domestic affairs (as some Senators are wont with regards to De Lima case)  But the move to impeach Trump is gaining grounds and the Socialists are (together with the Democrats) are behind the move.  And their daring moves include:   free health   care for everyone, writing off student loans and more all totally $40 trillion dollars a year, dwarfing the US $21 trillion deficit. And where will US govt these:  from more taxes (of the rich) and sequestering private savings. wealth forcefully and or/unwillingly by printing more money without value (inflation)

And these will change the quality of life as is happening in Venenzuela which is in hyperinflaction and characterized by migration from a nation typefied by scarcity and hardship.  Will this come to US land of the free.  Everywhere, as in USSR Germany has often resulted in hyper inflation and hardship.  The fall out on the Philippines may not be so severe but Phil will be affected due to trade, BPO, and OFW...

But will the politic fracas oust Trump.  No. Experts predict that it is the Fed rates rising that will cause the US stock market to crash and that is worrisome for many bankers.   And economists.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Rubbing elbows with the rich and famous - in laws of Kings

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 6, 2019

Image result for Victoria court

When he was still alive (he died about 3 weeks ago), our Chinese business partner told me that one of his in laws was a motel magnate. And he was wondering in what way I was connected with the company. I told him that the motel of his in law was a favorite case.  And I love it the way it distracts straight thinking from the students in case analysis and discussion. Some even mentioned that it was the result of one of the owners veering towards being a devout Christian.  But businessmen will be businessmen no matter what the religious inclination is.  Some are disciples of the Church but when it comes to money, when it comes to business, business is business....  My name pala sticks out in the search engine for Victoria court because of blog posts made on the company/case

  A way to remove tension and formality in the class, and what conclusion do people have about the case.

The case goes like this:  the owner was re positioning the motel as a medium priced hotel and having thematic room.  The conclusion is that the top execs were not successful in the re positioning adventure, but they were successful in changing the  price points of the industry.

The said motel exec owner  died in a helicopter crash near Cuenca (Mt. Maculot) mentioning that he is a billionaire (as a result of this case exercise?)

From CNN 2015 - Motel chain owner dies in helicopter crash

ABS CBN You tube post on the heli crash

Company sales boosted by a drink named after a deadly snake

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 6, 2019

Myth and truth on Energy Drinks

Image result for cobra energy drink

At the wake of his eldest brother, a business partner, a Chinese when asked about his lovely daughter (was a shampoo model) told us that she is married to a top exec of a beer company.  And he told us the story that it was his son in law who conceived of an energy drink and saved the day for the beer company. He saw such an energy drink abroad and was inspired to propose/make one for the company.

The root of all business success is innovation, and creativity.  This is great entrepreneurship.  So its innovate or die.... Every entrepreneur must strive to ba an innovator. He must think of something new every day.   (Not just one but plenty)   It should at every executives/manager's routine work.  Paradigm

..The beer market was in the doldrums after the light brandy's stole the recreational drinks of adults from the beer (which has become pricey and unaffordable)

And he had it named after a deadly snake, to bite off  market share.... And the ferocity of the brand...

Swerti ba yon? Condonation of P1.66 billion worth of loans by a group?

Professor on Entrepreneurship

SPAV law

Rizal Philippines
October 7, 2019

Image result for govt condones Lopez group loans

This post is disturbed that the Pres is ranting vs a group of companies whom we admire as one of the biggest has having been their billions of loans condoned by a special law.   They  are not the only ones though we benefited by these special laws.

Under SPAV, there is no or little loss, since all the  NPLs are sold to a SPAV vehicle which facilitates disposal of loan assets because of some incentives.   However, the news article indicated  that DBP wrote off the xxxxxHoldings (formerly  yyyyy)

From Inquirer - DBP writes off xxxx Loan

The Pres of the group was quick to point out that they do not have any more outstanding loans (because  they were written off) nor was the loans behest.... (not done by an executive edict) but its payment was condoned.  Much worse.  

It is not clear whether the said business group exist or get concession because of political connection. Some argue that Senate Pres.    who is from Iloilo is kababayan of the  Lopez who approved the SPAV law
at and during the time of a Pres. who is a political ally

Ordinary citzens would not get the same privilege.  We as businessmen, have to sweat out the business plan, the execution of the plan,, and the repayment of financial obligations.   It looks unfair.

What do you think, was PRD30 right in ranting vs this group (or maybe all those businesses whose loans were written off?  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Inalis na ang pangalan ng school sa site title at Post

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Two years na pong hindi binigyan ng kontrata at dahil hindi ako pumayag na ang entrep na student ay hindi bigbigyan ng sapat ng panahon para isulat ang business plan, isang essential graduation skill ng MBA.

Hindi naman agree na ang entrep student ay matatapos ang kurso na hindi alam ang pagsulat ng business plan.   Hayon stop na pag renew ng kontrata.   Wala man lang goodbye.

Isinagguni ko sa dating dean na nagrecruit sa akin kung i reretain ko ang pangalan ng school sa soc media account ko.  Sabi niya makakabuti na alisin ko.   Bagamat ito ay maaaring nakakatulong sa search sa school

Diversify or focus?

Ateneo Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 5, 2019

Focus or diversity?

Focus means staying with one business and making only investments related to the business.   Focus is risky because you are putting your eggs in one basket.   The Zurich axiom says that you must bet on few eggs that when they hatch promise big returns.   If you spread too thin across many risks then you get thin returns.

The other is diversity  by investing in various portfolio or lines of business that spreads risks across various businesses.  Ie  that of being conglomorate like ITT or Warren Buffets stocks that span across insurance, publishing, coke, and even trains.    But takes a lot of skills to manage various businesses just like what ITT found after Harold Geneen left.  

But you can see that famous moguls are into focus like Bill Gates - computers and software,  Steve Jobs - computer, Li Kai Shing  real estate development;  Ali Baba -  E commerce.  For many start up young entrepreneurs I have seen many of them diversify so early so soon in businesses that they do not understand, or too risky to make money for them.   I think a good businessman should be able to have a BP in his head even if he sleeping because he/she has focus

Dealing with B figures in business - real estate - housing

Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 5, 2019

They say it takes certain kind of personality, character mindset, for you to jump from P100,000 sales to a million.  and so on.  Unless you take the leap,  if you sell only P100,000 thats the way its going to be.

So this calls for a lot self improvement, skills upgrade to make the leap.

So if you are a businessman, and you are used only to millions, aiming for B would seem to be a daunting and ardous task

It seems to me at least. The President  of a real estate company whom  I have been meeting in the last 5 days, says this year, he  would have sold P2 B h and lot packages.,  Next year he would target P5B, and on the 3rd year, he would target P10B.  Well thats for brokerage.

I aspire for business that we own.

I did not realize that it could be that easy.

Say for a 5 hectare project with 31,000 sm costing only Pxxxxxx with 373 individual TCT
200 75sm cut, and 150 150+ up sm cut

                   Plan A

                          200  H and L 75 sm    P1,500,000 each                      P300,000,000

                          173 H and L 150 sm    3,200,000 each                         553,600,000


                         Malapit na sa B assuming walang price increase.  Kaya madaling yumaman si
                         MV and company.  Malakas lang loob mo

             Plan B:   raw land acquisition

                      100,000 x 60%      /75 sm        857  sm x 1.5 million each  1,285,550,000



Digital Marketing evolution - FB is the marketing

Ateneo Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 5, 2019

Digital marketing is any type of marketing  that uses electronic media.  So the first one started when radio was invented by Marconi. Radio is an electronic device. And so with marketing or ads that use, radio, TV, computer and lately cellphones (smart phones)

1  Google age -  the marketing putting content at the  web to be search optimized at the website and search engine.  Still the ads on regular media played a major role, and the internet merely served as another media to view the ads.

2. FB age -  now marketing is not via search engine of Google.   or simply clicking  the button for facebook for added exposure.  Now FB is the marketing medium and/or marketing, and be run independent of google, and thus the SEO, webinar the white paper brochure blog  era has passed    All you need is Facebook

    It is time for e commerce, of Lazada and facebook and facebook is trying to emulate Lazada with its market book.

   A marketer was dismayed by his failures at Digital Marketing and simply describes the 3 step process as
          1.  Know very well, define the value  being offered by your product;

          2.  Communicate this to the market.  (And you choose the platform)

          3.  Leverage your communication process by employing tools that will enable you to reach more
               customer at least cost and least time.

   Facebook would seem to be the tool, solution to number 3.  Facebook is the marketing.  The whole of facebook is no longer to be seen as a social corner but as a marketing  platform, the one big e commerce platform for many products of the world (although AliBaba and Lazada etc would seem to dominate the other part of the e commerce)

   Facebook ads, and its targeting of prospect, and proximity marketing would seem to be more efficient even vs the traditional media of  TV and newspapers.  With over 2.00 billion views a month, FB dwarfs Google and other web site.    Even You tube (which makes most money for Google)  But you have to understand the T & C of FB, otherwise your account will be closed and you will be banned.

  There is no longer a need for the SEO steps in the Google era.   As a matter of fact very few people read the blogs.  I was an active blogger before. I post directly to Facebook...

Posting at FB for marketers.  open a fan page from your personal account > fill up the blanks >  start posting>     boost >  or create an ad.

Pricing your services as a consultant, or business plan preparation

Ateneo Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 5, 2019

I am shocked by the prices being charged by fellow lecturers for their services.

I do not ask for a price because I have my own business from which I derive income.  I would get about P5k to P10k for a whole day of lecture and presentation.  For BP I charge P50,000 on staggered basis.
Cheap hindi ba.  May mga kaibigan akong doctor, na nagtatanong ng advice pa dinner nga lang.  And then pag nagpatingin ka may charge...   How unfair yata.  Or I should charge the correct value for my knowledge and expertise...

My former subordinate charge P100,000 for out of MM speaking engagement.     There was a BP for a memorial park na ang charge ay P200,000 for a bank loan, and even then the loan was not granted.

How much should be the fair amount to be charged.?...  Or huwag na lang tumanggap ng engagement?

As an entrepreneur/businessman would you resort to illegal and immoral means to meet your objectives

Ateneo Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 5, 2019

In my discussion with a former subordinate now a multi millionaire in real estate, certain controversial topics came up:

     1. Maglalagay ka ba sa govt agencies approving your permits to expedite processing.
         He is uncomfortable with this.   But let us analyze reality:

         My uncle who was a Usec at an agency approving the conversion advised me not to.  At that time
         conversion was only P10/sm.   I applied for conversion in 1983, and got it in 1988 walang lagay.
         Otherwise I would have spent P800,000 for that done in 90 days.

        A colleague in the academe told me, as he engaged in condo development in QC told me that he has
        to come across in QC for the Certificate of Occupancy otherwise he does not get utility connection
        and his investment will lay idle.

      Many officials are enterprising, and can think of various ways  of making money by making processing
      of permits harder and longer despite a law vs such pernicious practices.  Better said than done.. este

  2.  Are you willing to hurt your business rivals, to the extent of eliminating them or other obstacles...?

       Someone said that you cant be a govt executive unless you have hit men and has the  guts to eliminate

  3.  Are you willing to give CIA to govt officials in charge of procurement up to 50% KB just to get
       the business or contract, or even to be a stooge, they use your permits, etc and get only 5% on the

4.  Are you willing to use weighing scales that are report wrong weights so that you can sell less for more?

5.  Will you resort to tax evasion/ avoidance so that you will get richer faster?

6.  Will you adulterate your products, using lesser quality components  to sell at same price or say inject
     water into your dressed chicken.

7. Will you and other fellow businessman go on price fixing in a certain locality (agree on a price)  rather than compete in a free market?

How many of us do business on honest to goodness basis.   Being truthful and honest all the times....

Innovation - NU12 - an unforgettable experience for most MBA entrep students

Ateneo Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 5, 2019

Entrepreneurship is about getting out new ideas, new business concept  with new.   There could be no entrepreneurship without innovation (Peter Drucker defined this word differently by saying that is transferring resources to an activity of higher value - wealth creation e.g.  land devoted to vulcanizing shop being a spa)

How to develop this among GSB entrep students?

I required them to submit weekly on line via a blog (email blogpost) their NU12 ideas (for regular MBA- 15 week semester) or NU8 to Regis students.    The new ideas could refer to new habit, new product, new process, new tool, new routine.   Basta new.   Since this is published publicly in a blog and all students can read the work of their classmates, they have submit something really good.

This type of training is something I believe that is lacking in other courses being offered.... Its all about establishing a new albeit small business and that is the mindset of most people on entrepreneurship.  So we end up new businessmen (entrepreneurs?) coming with the same same gaya gaya products.   What a waste

The other training which we got from Dr. Ed Morato of ACE  is serendipity walk   We will talk about that later

P1 B worth of opportunties on a single night - outside of the office

Ateneo Professor on Entrepreneurship

Rizal Philippines
October 5, 2019

Many executives sit behind their desks hopefully thinking on how to improve their businesses or get a deal.
Peter Drucker emphasized that opportunities and results exist outside the business and therefore must look outside their respective offices.

That is right. A President of a real estate company invited me to a dinner and agreed to a restaurant which is merely 150 meters from our office along a well known highway.  While in the restaurant I spied the owner, a self made millionaire, but lacked formal education in business. His children are all abroad gainfully employed and owns business in furniture, trading, real estate, resort and restaurant.    The real estate Prexy and I listened to his stories especially his trip abroad, his near brushes with Kuratong Baleleng KFR and his struggle early on.  While on the discussion some opportunities were opened up:

     1.  He owns some 68 hectare of land in Laguna and he is going to sell them as he is getting old
          and his children wants him abroad. of the 68 hectare, 8 hectare is flat and can be a memorial park.

          He is a member of a MM city Rotary and his members are multi billinaire

    2.  He has a friend who is into real estate brokerage,  He broker appeared afterwards:

          1.  She has a listing of at least 600 hectares of property in Botolan Zambales, which has silica
              lahar and boulder deposits.  It is only priced at P25.00/sm.   = P150,000,000

        2.   She has a listing in Cavite along Anabu Imus 7,000 sm with asking price of P30,000 /sm or
            a P210,000,000 possible deal

        3.  Another 2,000 sm with long frontage at P7,000/sm P14,000,000

    3.  Our private discussion was about a 5.1 hectare property developed and unsold subdivision property
         with 300 individual titles, asking price is Pxxxx/sm for a total deal of xxxxxxx.

             50% of the project will be sold for P1.5 million for economic buyers (the bait)
             50% of the project will be sold for P3.2 million for B market (for vacation homes because it
                  is a housing with a view.

           There is another alternative of a 10 hectare project with unit cost of land that is 80% lower and
            promises more units and more GP of say P1M/per unit

             The total revenue for this will be P900 million (nearly a billion)  That is over a billion business
             in a roadside restaurant.

           We may not be aware of deals being discussed in a restaurant.

Who says our country is poor and opportunities have passed us by..

To be witness to those B projects is a great opportunity and I am grateful that these things are passing my way.  To be a billionaire is not far fetched any more