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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Eurozone Could Fail Just Like USSR- Predicts George Soros

Promoting Entrepreneurial Revolution

Billionaire and money expert George Soros predicts that Eurozone crisis could be a repeat of USSR collapse in l990.  Anybody remembers what happened? 

There was massive bank closure;  the citizen's savings were wiped,  massive unemployment;  or wages were delayed by months in payments,  gangs proliferated,  crimes were rampant.  It was nightmare 

Soros predicts it could happen to Eurozone.  We know that cracks are all ready starting to appear with frequent protests in Greece, Spain, Ireland and UK (Weiss similar event could happen in USA)  (Everybody is pessimistic these days?  Or realistic?!)

Germany must support Eurozone or leave it now.  But that would be unproductive because Germany's currency would be so expensive and its current market, the rest of the Eurozone would not buy its products/exports.

l.  Do you think Soros is right?

2.  What would be your countermeasures to suggest to your friends/relatives at Eurozone?

3. What are the opportunities?

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