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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Prediction No 6 from Lombardi - Profitting from Crisis

Promoting Entrepreneurial Revolution

This is a rejoinder to the Weiss video on impending financial doomsday for USA, when creditors say "Nyet" "No Mas" to USA for more loans.  It does not look good for Eurozone or USA, but as "Ji Wei" (Chinese character for opportunity in crisis) much wealth can be made in this crisis.

Lombardi correctly predicted the following:  buy gold at $300.00@ ounce in 2002, the housing crash,  recession of 2007, get out of stock market in 2008, and stock recovery of 2009 (the bull run again).

He thinks that after a recession, the stock market goes on a rally then goes down again as it happenned in the l930.  The stock market recovered only in l944.

What are the predictions:

Well, the US govt with its $l.2 trillion fiscal deficit, mountains of debt (Obama increased US sovereign debt by $5 trillion his debt, which is likely to rise from $l4.2 trillion to $20 trillion or l50% of US GDP, US Federal Reserve Bank increasing its asset size to $3 trillion meaning it printed more money), official debt is well over $l00 trillion -----> leading to dollar depreciation, dumping of US treasuries as reserves in favor of gold, inflation in USA.  The unemployment rate is really at l4% and not at l0% as reported.  Over 40 million Americans live off food stamp (USA now a socialist country?  A welfare state?) What happneed to American work ethic?  Of industry and pioneering spirit that we learned from our study of US history?

What is going to happen:

l.  Gold will continue its bull run;

2.  Why because the US dollar devaluation, as mentioned previously on mountains of US debt and increasing difficulty to service the same, will continue.

3. Euro as the dollar is, done and gone.

4.  Inflation (or even hyper inflation) will be a big problem in the USA

5.  The US stock market prices will test the market lows (it is going to crash soon?)

What are the opportunities to make wealth? 

They are all there.  But you need a good advisor (and you have to pay) to tell you where the wealth is to be made.  Lombardi makes the pitch here in the write up and the video.

Lombardi's No 6 Prediction about US economy?

These are not my statements but from seasoned MBA, and successful businessman in USA!


l.  Do you think Lombardi is making a solid assessment of US economy?

2.  Are he and Weiss in synch?

3.  What are your conclusions as MBA student and guru to be?

4.  What are the opportunities and how will you make money on investments?

5.  What do you think are the things that will prevent such a future dire scenario?

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