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Sunday, July 24, 2011

On blogging and use of the Internet/web

Four months ago I was, despite my insistence in the company that we go IT, and the requirements at the school where I teach part time, that all teaching staff must be IT literate, I would not know how to open an email or safely remove a USB from a computer. I was a PU man (puro utos)  However, when my daughter, upgraded a power point on the day of the presentation, I decided to take matters in my own hands.  I learned the following:

l.  Make a power point (how to copy paste pictures and images)

2. Upload at slide share

3.  Tweet, upload at Flick.R account,

4.  Open  Gmail account, use of google maps

5.  Blog, put on widgets, upload pictures.

Outcomes/achievements:  I have uploaded created l6 ppt on entrepreneurship at slideshare, am on Linked In, created 8 blogs:  2 on biking, 2 on entrepreneurship, 4 corporate blogs. One of my slides have 600 visits. We have blogs that have over l500 visits.  Our ranking at memorial park page has gone up from 4 to no 2 (even without a website still). For organic search, we are no. l.  Blogging works. Under my own name, I have about five pages at google search (that was from less than one 4 months ago) Many more under profjorgeentrep (that is because of the tweet under the same name)

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