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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Some more Lessons from John Gokongwei Special Report by Ana,( Others by Richard, Myra BJ and Angelica.

1..The story on the life of John Gokongwei stresses some very important points on entrepreneurship:

    l.  The importance of thrift and frugality.  Save, save, save to have capital for future ventures and investment.

   2.  Taking on the giants.

   3.  Think international.

   4.  In the beginning, you become an entrepreneur because of necessity to survive.  Later on it TO BE YOURSELF (Personal Mastery)

2  PURPLE COW by Seith Godin (reported by BJ)

Be remarkable or be ignoreable.  Be different/unique.  Differentiate or die.(One way to be noticeable you have to be googleable so Yahoo users, watch out before you become unnoticeable)

3.  BLUE OCEAN by Angelica

 Blue ocean strategy is to be in different market or multiple market where there is less competition.  This means choosing a new PTM (referring to the business model canvass)  It is being a leader, or being the first in that market, using a new product, a new platform or channel.

4.  BUSINESS PROCESS IMPROVEMENT (bpi) by Richard Sengson

It is a very detailed (as most process people are) very graphic and systematic.  His keypoints are:   strong management support, being customer centric in all the bpi;  the use of champions and never ending search for improvement.  Well done Richard.

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